Friday, April 3, 2009

Wake up call

“Life is one big road with lots of signs.So when you riding through the ruts, don't complicate your mind. Flee from hate,mischief and jealousy. Don't bury your thoughts, put your vision to reality. Wake Up and Live!” ~ Bob Marley

Happy Friday.... Thank you for the comments the other day... It's crazy how a couple of words can help you out so much! I am feeling a lot better now, and I knew it was one of those days where everything comes crashing down at once.

I woke up at 5:50 yesterday morning to a phone call to go sub. My class was an autistic preschool, and it was an eye-opening experience to say the least. I knew about autism roughly through my mom who is a school counselor for kids with behavioral issues, but never have I had to be the authoritative figure to an autistic child. I figured subbing would be a way to make some money and I didn't expect to get much out of it, but after even being in that classroom for 4 hours, my eyes were opened to the challenges these children face each day. When kids are that young, something as simple as building a wall out of building blocks is an accomplishment. It had me wondering what goes through their minds, and how alone they must feel at times... It saddened me, but also made me thankful for programs at schools geared towards autistic children....You learn something new everyday, when you least expect it... I am happy I got to help for a day.

After subbing, I met up with some friends and we got salads & a couple drink at a local pub, then went and saw my old High School's Musical, Bye Bye Birdie! It brought back memories of when I was in the plays (I did the plays for 2 years and cheered competitively for 2). They were so good and worked so hard and it was nice to support my old school. After the play, I was EXHAUSTED and passed out so fast. I set my alarm for 7am pilates, but I gave into my sleep, oooops! I woke up, had some Bob's Red Mill Oat Bran with honey, brown sugar, raspberry jelly & almond butter. I think I added too much water but it was a different and creamy consistency and delish...
My sister found Jillian Michaels' 30 day Shred on Youtube and since it's like the newest trend, lol, I decided I'd give it a try. We did level 3 and I liked the combo of cardio and strength. I didn't modify the moves which I thought I would have to do since I was a newbie but it did cause me to sweat and I think I yelled "noooooo" a couple times. I feel like if I did this each day I'd strengthen my moves. It was hard, but not to a point of never wanting to do it again:-)

The 5k
Soooooooooo......tomorrow is the 5k Race for Life on Long Beach Island with my sister, and I couldn't be more excited. The wind is supposed to be 35 MPH and we'll be running a quarter mile from the beach so I'm definitely bringing an ear headband thingy.

My Goal
Since this is my first race, I am not trying to set any crazy goals or get down on myself if I walk a minute. I initally said I wanted to be under 30 minutes, but I find when I set a cut and dry goal I get too focused on the goal and not the journey. I went from not running AT ALL to being able to run 3 miles (dying slightly) and 1 and 2 individually as well. For me, this is a big hurdle, because I was so scared to run again.... It seemed unattainable and the treadmill reminded me of a big bad monster. The last time I had run in a race was in track freshman year of HIGH SCHOOL. In all honesty, I'm all about the fun factor tomorrow, and enjoying the race instead of anticipating a set time. There is supposively a great after party too, whoohoo. Wish me luck!

I'm off to Target to browse and then possible do some light cardio at the gym. Have a great weekend!!

Meditation of the Day
The secret of health for both mind and body is not to mourn for the past, not to worry about the future, or not to anticipate troubles, but to live the present moment wisely and earnestly. Buddha
My sister and I after backpacking to the top of Garfield Mountain in White Mountains, NH. It was supposed to be the most beautiful view, but we only saw fog. We didn't care...we made it.

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