Thursday, December 4, 2008

Never Believe Grownups.

It was snowing very lightly as I drove to work this morning.
When I stopped at a light, I could see perfect little individual snowflakes gracing my car's windows. Each one perfectly, artistically formed. So beautiful! I wished so badly to have my camera with me.

For proof.

Because I remember when I was a kid, the teachers told us that every single snowflake is different. Which I believe. They also told us you couldn't see individual snowflakes (the same thing they said about germs.) But I know that I saw many individual flakes. They were stunning! Miraculous!

Maybe the teachers meant that you couldn't pick one snowflake out of a pile of snow. Okay, I'll give them that. It's possible I was a very literal child.

Or maybe they were talking about Nebraska snowflakes - which are so wet they don't even fall down one by one. It more or less snows in globs there.
But here in Colorado, the air is dry and snowflakes make solo journeys straight to the tip of your nose.

I just want so desparately to photograph a single snowflake.
Maybe one day this winter. If I do, I'll definately post it!

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