Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Karma's a biotch Vicky!

For those of you who aren't Biggest Loser fans, first of all why not? And second, last nights finale was crazy. Was it me or did all the people look so little? ESPECIALLY the girls! Amy and her mom looked amazing. After eating like 6 cookies yesterday I was feeling blahh..... But the best part of the show was that Michelle the younger underdog of the competition WON IT ALL!

It you've been following you would've known that the conniving biotch Vikey who was in the final 3 always said she knew how to "play the game" lost to Ed, a member of her alliance by ONE POUND! She always was so mean to everyone and well she will be kicking herself for eating that extra pound of food because she lost to Ed by ONE POUND. I'm really happy Michelle won. She worked super hard and looked beautiful at the finale. Okay now to get off my Biggest Loser soap box....

Today my sister and I went to Cardio Kickbox/Ab Blast for an hour and it was fun! It was good because your heartrate is up the whole time and you do work a lot of good muscles. We're attending our favorite class of Zumba later on. It's such a nasty day and at times like this I am thankful to be in South Jersey and not up at school in the mountains of PA. SUCH BAD ROADS.

Christmas is 8 days away, and I feel so annoyed this year being that I have like no money to buy presents. My family understand though so I said when I am raking in the big bucks I'll pay them back. Last year I went all out on gifts so it evens out.

Have a good Wednesday! I'm excited for tomorrow night Sushi birthday dinner for my friend Amanda!

Good listen of the day: Sia - Girl You Lost to Cocaine (it sounds all punk by the title but it's such a catchy song)

Good quote: Don't go letting life harden your heart

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