Thursday, July 22, 2010


I'm sure most people are sick of it... but just after my final break-up with Mr. B - that Michael Buble song was just released.

I loved the catchy tune and the hopeful message that someone is just around around the corner - I Just Haven't Met You Yet. World's cutest video too BTW.

It was good for me. (Just like after the first break-up, Beyonce helped me out with Single Ladies!!)

I met McTwitchy pretty quickly after I was suddenly single and I was very surprised at how much I liked him. I even told him that I hadn't expected to like him. That of course was very confusing to him. Some things are better left unsaid!

As a girl, I sometimes look for meaning in things that really have no connection to anything. Can you relate? So, when every time I thought about McTwitchy - the Buble song came on (despite the reality that it was just horrendously over-played) I wondered if it meant that I had met the guy... or maybe he's NOT the guy for me and I haven't met him yet?!

Oh my. What's a girl to do?
I decided it didn't mean anything. After all the song is in heavy rotation to the point of ridiculous. I even said a prayer telling God that if He's trying to give me any signs... please don't do it through that song! I'm too confused.

Then McTwitchy and I went our separate ways ( decided maybe that was God's sign!) and I decided I still liked the song.
Finally, it decreased in rotation. I only heard it about once a day instead of seven!

So I thought it was funny when I went out with McTwitchy after two months separation... and a couple hours into our date, I Just Haven't Met You Yet suddenly blared over the Pub speakers. It was my turn to talk - and I couldn't even concentrate because each lyric just rolled around in my head!
It brought a huge smile to my face, which brought a smile to McTwitchy's face even though he didn't know why.

I'm not assigning any meaning to it.
I just thought it was cute.

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