UPDATE: I will close entries for this giveaway at 12:00 midnight EST tonight (Thursday, January 15). Any comments posted after 12:00 EST will not be eligible for the drawing. Look for the winner tomorrow morning.
In the interest of fairness and full disclosure - any commenter with multiple comments will be counted only for their first comment. Any repeat comments will be passed over and a that number will be assigned to the next comment. Fair?
This has been SO exciting for me! I can't wait to see who wins the collection. Good luck!
Bear with me. If you know me at all you know I have to tell a long drawn out story!
I did some Christmas shopping on-line and couldn't resist buying some goodies for myself. I got a CD and a book on CD for my brother, and added Selah's Christmas CD, and a collection of their music for myself.

When I went to checkout - I thought the total was a bit higher than I anticipated. I looked through my shopping cart again and thought. "Well, that must be right." It's not like I was going to do math to verify the total so I finished the transaction and moved on.
Days later, the package arrived and the math mystery was solved.
I had clicked on the Selah Collection twice! Ahhh.
I thought about sending it back, or giving it to a friend, or even selling it to a friend... and I didn't know what to do. So I left it on my dining table while I took the other copy to keep me company for the drive home.
Let me tell you, this group is AMAZING!
God surely used Selah to help mend my heart while driving. I left Denver feeling very bitter about Mr. Burns, and about going home for a Christmas holiday that I originally thought would include bringing my fiance home to my family.
This music helped to bring me back to God's center. At the very moment I realized that, God nudged me and said, "Give the extra copy to someone who needs it. Give it away on your blog."
That makes all the sense in the world. So my bloggy friends - leave a comment on this post if you would like to have an amazing collection of beautiful Christian music. If you must comment anonymously, please leave some distinguishing information in your comment in case of multiple anonymous entries. Oh - and if you live near me, you must allow me to deliver it in person!
I will select the winner using a random number generator - and announce the winner... hmmm, let's see... this Friday.
Now let me share just a little bit more.
I usually don't like Christian music. There have been a few artists over the years that have reached me - but typically, listening to a Christian radio station I can't bear more than two songs.
To me... they all sound like a teenager's bad poetry or something. It's just. So. Bad. I always thought maybe I wasn't blessed with the grace of God to overlook what I found as corny lyrics and find the message.
I told a few friends about this - and I think they were a bit offended because they listen to Christian music exclusively! Perhaps it was my heart that needed change.
So with that heavy criteria in mind, it is high praise when I say - This collection is beautiful! Their voices are truly ordained by God for the ministry. Amazing voices.
And the lyrics? Brilliant. Truly inspired. There is not one bad song in the entire 4 CD collection.
I really want someone to enjoy this collection as I do.
One entry per reader, please.
God Bless!
edited to add: the 4 CDs are #1 Be Still My Soul - a collection of Hymns, #2 Press On, #3 Hiding Place, #4 Bonus Disc - also known as the Duets CD.
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