I woke up after staying up later than I should've watching SNL then reading Breaking Dawn... OH MAN soooo GOOD. I also went tanning yesterday (yes I know, but my sister just got a job there and convinced me to only do it for a month so that's what I'm doing) and I was sunbrunt on my face. Definitely taking the day off today.
I woke up and was semi-hungry & I reeeally wanted oatmeal. So I made 2 packets (saving some for later) of Heart Healthy Blueberry Oatmeal. When I was a kid I always loved the blueberry oatemeal the best.
I also made my daily pot of coffee. My dad and sis will each have 3 cups too probably.
MAN how this weekend has been low-key. I haven't really seen my friends, they've been working. I bought a new pair of Bill Blass jeans yesterday, very cute...hmmm what else have I done? Gym......wow low-key is right. I guess that's what I get for being a freelance worker and my friends working nights.
Tomorrow my good friend is coming down. She recently lost her chemical engineering job :( and I can tell she's down about it. The economy really is affecting all people with all degrees of jobs. She has so much experience and still was let go. I really need a time-filler job until wedding season picks up....these are the things I need to weigh right now.
On a happier not, my best friend Kim's BDAY is Monday whoohooo!!!
Today's agenda
Ifyou aren't living in the Northeast and don't follow football than you probably don't know this but today is the Eagles vs. the Giants game which is pretty much like the biggest playoff game in forever. My friends are all excited, I on the other hand don't really care but am rooting for the Eagles because my sis loves them. GO EAGLES!!
Have a great Sunday....
Oh an if you want to listen to a good winter-esque album listen to
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