As I watched the Inauguration coverage it was a strange mix of thoughts.
The Capitol Dome

So while I knew she probably wasn't watching the coverage because A) she was at work and B) because of how she feels - I also knew she couldn't avoid it - addicted to 24 news channels as she is. (hey - we got her to quit smoking, we gotta let her have something!)
As I watched the Inauguration, I knew each of those Washington DC landmarks saturating the screen hold meaning and memories for both of us.
In 2003, Mom and I went to visit our nation's capital together, the first time for each of us. Just the two of us.
Since then, when she watches news coverage or movies featuring DC - she has a special little thrill being able to recognize the landmarks from first hand experience.
You have to understand - my parents don't get out much.
Our childhood vacations were to the Black Hills of South Dakota - every time! Only a 6 hour drive from home.
Prior to our trip to DC the furthest she had been from her Nebraska home was Las Vegas, NV. She and dad lived 3 miles apart their whole lives and didn't meet until after High School!!

For that reason, our trip was pretty exciting. For two months before the trip she bragged to her friends that she was going to DC with her daughter. For months and months afterward... she bragged that she went to DC with her daughter!
Quite a conversation starter.
Mom on a tour of the Capitol Building - outside of which, today's Inauguration was held!
For me too - the sights of Washington DC are filled with memories of being there with my mom. Of sharing an experience we don't make the effort (or have the funds) to do more often.

Mom & Me in front of the White House. Wow my hair was short!
Also... I have to share a funny about my mom.
Something I just realized when I was home this Christmas.
Her favorite sort of comedy... slapstick!
We were scrolling through the movie options on D!sh Netw*rk and she stopped on a cheesy Ha!!mark movie. "Oh, let's watch this one! That character keeps making mistakes and ruining everything. It's so cute."
"Mom! You love slapstick! I never put it together before!"
No wonder she and dad let me watch that racy "Three's Company" when I was small! She had to see John Ritter fall all over himself each week. She wasn't going to miss it.
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