Sunday, January 11, 2009

Peacocks & Eagles

I am a freak with getting my layouts exactly how I want them and I have been creating my own for a while and have finally come up with this custom one by me! I love peacocks and love earthy colors and all the default layouts weren't doing it for me. I found all my own backgrounds and bam! It looks good. Onto the healthiness.....

AND the Eagles won, yeauhhhhh. My sis is really happy and I am glad they upset the Giants #1 seat. Booyeah...

I went to the gym with my sis, (see her journey below), and rocked out to good jams on my new found love the stair machine. I did 20 minutes on a high level and ended up climbing 97 flights of stairs. My sweat level was insane. I burned about 200 calories which is good for not running. Afterwards, I walked at 3.4 at a level 10 on the treadmill and listened to some Damien Rice.

I did about 20 minutes of arms, legs and abs and then got on the row machine for 10. My arms are going to be killing me.

For lunch

I made a turkey sandwhich with cheese and a little mayo, honey mustard and spinach leaves. I had a chocolate chip granola bar, 100 cal bag of pepper popcorn and a handful of pretzels....

My mom asked me to move 20 boxes of Christmas stuff up to the attic so I did about 20 more flights of stairs...PHEW...

Tonight I'm hanging with my good friend and maybe having some wine I bought 2 days ago that has yet to be opened. Have a good night everyone!

This quote is such an eye-opener and I admire Pema Chodron for her outlooks and deep understanding of life:

One time when I was a child, I was feeling very upset and angry at one point. I think I was around seven or eight. And there was this old woman, who I later become very close to. But the first time I ever met her, I was walking down the street kicking stones with my head down, and I was feeling very lonely. I was basically feeling that nobody loved me very much and that people weren't taking care of me. So I was walking along angry at the world, kicking stones. And this woman said, "Child, don't let the world harden your heart." - Pema Chodron From the book:

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