This will be reeeally quick because The Office starts in 8 minutes!
Today was a good day despite my hour of "I'm gonna rip your head off-ness" I experience each time around this month. Woke up, made coffee, made 1 pack of grits & ate a pear... I don't know about you but I am definitely a salty girl over sweet. I NEVER crave chocolate but ALWAYS crave chips. My sister and parents are the same way. I mean, I wouldn't pass up a delicious decadent dessert, but I always would opt for the bag of chips. I guess that's bad news for my sodium level but good news for my teeth. Oh well.
My friend Kim came over, we watched Almost Famous, I made a delicious baby spinach salad with zucchini and carrots with lite balsamic.
Went to the hardcore strength class again, it was great! Ran 10 mins before and walked 10, then walked at level 17. Came home ate a lean cuisine (330 cals) AND....
......Time to go!
Ahh g/g. Good gym day, good food day, I feel good about my choices...
Talk to ya later!
**Update - The Office is a rerun, wtf!!!!!!!!**
Oh well...Tomorrow I have an interview for a job I don't really know much about, lol. I would be a teacher's aid at the elementary school but I don't know if it's a full-time, subbing or part-time position. I have to do a basic math/english test...yuck. My math brain cells have always been weak but I really haven't had to use them in like 5 years. Electronic Media majors are tech savvy which doesn't mean math savvy. I hope it goes well. I've applied to so many jobs in the past 2 weeks no responses. A little disheartening.
Like I said before, today I watched what I ate extra carefully and worked out great so A+....I wish I could say the same about the math test tomorrow, haha.
Have a good Thursday. I wish I was working full-time as opposed to part, and was looking forward to ending the grind and beginning my weekend like I used to. Be thankful all you workers have jobs! It's hard out there!!!
P.S - January is OVER! Spring is just around the corner (or I can just dream...)

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