Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Fun at Grammys
Another Bug in the Family

More Christmas Music Inspiration
A few years ago my sister-in-law gave me a copy of Home Alone Christmas. I wondered what the heck she was thinking!
My copy is a burned copy - so I'm not sure if it is the movie soundtrack - or a compelation of Christmas songs from the various movies... but surprise - it's really pretty good.
Sometimes I really appreciate CDs with a variety of music rather than all one artist - and this one has a nice variety.
1. All Alone on Christmas - Darlene Love
2. A Holly Jolly Christmas - Alan Jackson
3. My Christmas Tree - The Fox Albert Choir
4. Somewhere in My Memory - John Williams
5. Silver Bells - Atlantic Starr
6. Sleigh Ride - TLC
7. Christmas All Over Again - Tom Petty & The Heartbreakers
8. Please Come Home For Christmas - Southside Johnny Lyon
9. Merry Christmas, Merry Christmas - John Williams
10. Carol of the Bells - John Williams
11. Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas - Mel Torme
12. O Come All Ye Faithful - Lisa Fischer
Click here to hear clips.
All Alone on Christmas - Hi. Can you say Single Person's Christmas Anthem? It's a peppy sing-along that helps to pass the miles.
My Christmas Tree is so sweet. It's a choir of beautiful children's voices. I sing along with this one too. "When I see, my Christmas tree, can loved ones be far? Christmas tree, I'm certain, wherever I roam, the glow from, your branches, will light my way home" Oh! My lip quivers every time!
Somewhere in My Memory - I think it's the theme to the movie, strains of the instrumental float throughout the movie. Strings, orchestra style it's very nice.
Silver Bells - this is a very well-done version of the standard. Sing-along-able.
Sleigh Ride - Not my favorite but not offensive.
Christmas All Over Again - I love Tom Petty, so this is a good song. But the words hit me funny this time around. It's sort of a song about how it's just Christmas. Again. It's not about the joy of Christmas, and certainly not about the meaning of Christmas.
The rest of the songs sort of fade into the background. They're all good.
This is the sort of CD that is great to have as background music at a party. Or while wrapping presents. Or killing time in the car.
It's definately a go-to CD for me. Some songs I would pick off to make a CD of my favorite Christmas songs. Maybe I'll actually get around to it for next Christmas, if I do, I'll let you all know.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
The Best Christmas Album Ever

Back to the Tamales...
Monday, December 29, 2008
Sammy Sighs
Merry After Christmas! It's me, Sammy.
I don't know about you humans, but we dogs are glad the holidays are over. It's a little bit too much commotion for us doggies. But, we did get to enjoy crumbs and snacks and lots of attention.
Howie the dog came for a few days. Here he is, I think he's all grown up now. Not too long ago he was just a baby. Look how he forgets to fix his ear. Silly Howie. He's Chloes dog and lives in North Platte.
When I got tired of the holiday business, I just went into my favorite place (the closet) and hid. I could even bark from there if a stranger came to our house.
Silly Sissy got really tired, I don't think she understood all the craziness of the holidays. Mom was busy doing things and Sissy just didn't think she was getting enough attention or something. Look how pathetic she looks here while mom was singing Christmas carols with other humans.
Love, Sammy
Sunday, December 28, 2008
New Orleans in 24 hours!!
Christmas was AMAZING! I had already gotten my gym membership and I also got a Garmin Nuvi55 GPS which im obsessed with. My parents also got me a lot of other goodies. I made a 45 mintue video for my family of our year spent together when they all visted me in Colorado. It was a special day.
Since Christmas, well, my Dad introduced me to the Band Of Brothers series and besides the men in it being soooo hot, it is an amazing story. I reccomend watching it even if you aren't a war-buff. It's comedic at times and so moving.
I sometimes forget this is a healthy lifestyle blog! I get so excited to talk about the little things I've enjoyed that I forget. Speaking of random things, I bought SOY MILK PUMPKIN SPICE and have been putting it in my cofee and it is amazing! You can substitute it in pancakes and any other dessert that requires milk. Yummm....
On to the healthy lifestyle (somewhat)...
I shot a wedding all day yesterday so no gym for me and then hung out with my two best friends and played The Office trivia till 3am over some wine. So fun.
Today has been low-key. Went out to lunch with my sister and friend. Spurlged and got 1/2 and 1/2 BLT with sweet pototao fries. I don't know how most bloggers nevvver spurge on the nitty gritty greasy deliousness! I bought the 1st season of Curb Your Enthusiasm so I've been watching that, sooo funny.
So about this week..
I won't be back till Sunday afternoon. Wish me luck! It's going to be a crazy couple of days following around the dancers and shooting long hours during the day. The weather is going to be in the low 60's so YAY! My parents/boss warned me about how crazy Bourbon Street gets on New Years Eve sooo since I'm the only girl going with 2 older men who may not wanna get WILD down there, I'll prob. watch the antics from my hotel room and explore the city on the little spare time I have during the day. I can't wait to see the French Quarter! I get to go on a boat ride too but with like 600 high schoolers (I'm shooting a documentary for their experience at the Sugar Bowl to perform).
As for eating healthy down there, I have no idea what to expect. I may not even eat some days until like 9. I'll be excersising enough by lugging my camera with me everywhere. Phew. So BON VOYAGE to me and I'll be seeing you Sunday....
Happy New Years everyone, drink one for me!
Quote of the year: A good traveler has no fixed plans or intent on arriving - Lao Tzu
Working for a Livin'??
No, I didn't make the little ones work for their meal! But, when they wanted to help peel potaotes, how could I refuse?! Those were the best breakfast potatoes ever!
Friday, December 26, 2008
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Seafood, Bloody Marys, and I'm content
My hiatus has been much to long, due to my crazy life lately. I had work training Monday and learned that I'll be staying on Canal Street in New Orleans a BLOCK from Bourbon Street and 3 blocks from the French Quarter. I'm SOO EXCITED!
Yesterday my sister and I went shopping all day, then went to the gym. I did about 45 on the Elliptical and a bunch of weight lifting, abs, and legs. I got home and was soooo exhausted so I read Eclipse and dreamed of the food I have been making alll day today!
So my sister and I got up at 6:20 and did spinning at 7. Lisa (our instructor) played Trans-Siberian Orchestra and though I was sweating it was well worth it. I must've been tired because my shirt was on backwards the whole time. We then ventured to the super market to get our Christmas Eve, Christmas spread for my family.
Today we have been having:
Crab meat dip
homemade bloody marys (Ina Garten's recipe is a-mazing)
For Dinner:
Shrimp (I deveined & peeled about 50, UGH)
Scallops in butter, wine and lemon
mashed potatoes
cauliflower el gratin (spelling?)
Blueberry Pie
This Christmas is like most of our others, except I do not have an urgency like I did last year to squeeze everything in due to my living far away. I AM leaving the 30th for New Orleans but I'm only gone for 4 days:)
During Christmas I always try to reflect on the greatest moments of the year. This year has definitely been my most adventurous and craziest thus far. I am thankful always for my family who through thick and thin have helped me out. Right now, when I am getting back on my feet, they help me out so much and for that I am grateful. I am grateful for the friends and for my sister who constantly surround me with positive energy and love.
Who knows what '09 will bring. That's the fun in it!
If I don't get to blogging tomorrow have a great Christmas and relax, replenish and ravage some delicious food!

On Sun

It was fun sharing that with two of my sisters in law, some nieces, my daughter and my mom in law. Hubby helped too! It's quite an experience, and fun to share memories while we were busy.
This week has been spent getting ready for Christmas, final things like a little baking, a little cleaning, a little getting dinner ready in advance. We look forward to company today. It will be special having as many of our family here as can be. We will miss the others greatly.
Have a wonderful, blessed Merry Christmas!
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Behind The Stable
I realized a few years ago that part of the reason Christmas feels empty to me is because it has turned into little more than a deadline. Rushing around - trying to jam a car trip into a few days off of work.
I spent some time really thinking about why it felt like a deadline, and what would make the season feel precious to me again - and I realized I needed to share it with someone. I realized that Christmas is precious when you get to see it again through the eyes of a child. When you teach a child about the miracle.
Now, as much as a try - I can't shake the emptiness. There is this big, gaping hole in my life.
I want to set up my nativity scene with my children. The wise men stand at the far end of the credenza while Mary and Joseph wait in the stable. Little baby Jesus is hidden in the hay behind the stable until we get home from Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. That's when He is born and joins the Holy Family in the manger.
I long to delight in the wonder of a child seeing presents beneath the tree on Christmas morning. To read Bible stories as I teach my children the story of Jesus' birth. How the wonderous star guided those who believe to find the tiny Christ Child. To explain that wise men still seek Him. To share the joy in the knowledge that the destiny of the Savior - while unknown completely to young Mary - was predestined by God for all of us. And she was His willing servant.
I need to be more like Mary.
But it's so hard. I lived my entire life with the assumption that I would have a family. When I tucked away Newsweek magazines plastered with images from the start of the Gulf War, I did so with the belief that my children would find them some day, and use them to write a history report. (I remember finding newspapers with headlines of JFK's assassination that my mom had saved. I was awed by the yellowed print depicting day of reports of something I only knew as history.)
I have saved some of my favorite dresses and some amazing shoes - moved them across three states more than 7 times - with the thought of my daughter longing to try them on - wanting to be as glamorous as mommy in the faded photo.
I can't tell you how many times I have moved 'stuff' that will someday be perfect if I ever have a house that echoes with the scurry of little feet. (not mice)
Now that dream is fading, pulling away from me. And I'm a little pissed.
I went to Mass today, and the Gospel told the story of the angel that appeared to Mary. Telling her plans that she could not understand. When she questioned, the angel explained, "God will handle the details, if you only say yes."
I need to be more like Mary.
I've heard and read this story so many times. But today as I read along, God spoke to me, in the words of Mary's visitor angel.
"And behold, Elizabeth, your relative, has also conceived a son in her old
age, and this is the sixth month for her who was called barren; for nothing will
be impossible for God."
Mary said, "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord. May it be done to
me according to your word." ~Luke1:26-38
This was an inspiration. That God has all the details worked out and I just need to keep saying yes.
But I go back and forth.
I want to see the plans. The assignment. A schedule.
I need to have faith and willingness like Mary.
Yeah, but He used Mary. He's not even doing anything with me.
I have to believe that God has the desires of my heart in His capable hands.
I can relate to Elizabeth. I feel barren. I feel the same pain as the many women who struggle with infertility, longing to have a family. Except, I don't even get to try.
I was so lonely and sad all weekend, and as I called my friends on Saturday to talk, to keep me company as I cleaned my house - no one answered.
I could only picture them out with their kids, picking up a present for daddy. Sledding down the big hill. Stopping for hot chocolate and singing Christmas songs in the car.
I finally called a single girlfriend who understood. She sympathized. She had emailed a bunch of friends in our social circle - asking about options for New Years Eve. Most of what she got back - were responses from one half of some couple saying they were going out with other couples. The unwritten message was clear - you're not in a couple so we're not asking you to join us. She was hurt.
Right then we realized - we work hard not to be jealous. And we're not. We just feel left out. We are sincerely happy for all of our friends when they pair off, get engaged, get married, start having babies.
But are they equally sympathetic for us the other way around? We don't think it even occurs to them.
This holiday is all about family and it's so empty without one. Last year, at least I had hope that I might soon start a family. This year, it just sucks.
I am trying hard to get this sadness out of my head and heart - before I put myself in a car for 10 hours - stuck with my own thoughts. Maybe if I leave the thoughts here, they won't follow me to Nebraska.
Maybe there are bloggy angels who will carry my thoughts in their prayers.
I'm counting on that.
Merry Christmas. Have a most blessed celebration. May all the joy and peace of that first Christmas be with you all - always.
I probably won't have computer access for a week - but I expect you all to be away from the computer too!
Check in with you later!
Sammy Sighs
Brooklyn is a much better photo subject...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Rest Not
Today is the day. The laundry is going. I've vaccummed the rug. Now here I am on the internet again... a great source of my timewasting.
The other great timewaster is my couch.
Since my Christmas gifts have all yet to be wrapped - I stacked them all on the sofa so that I have no choice but to keep moving!
The most brilliant thing I've done all week!
Also learned: if the kitchen floor ought to be washed, but it's not bad enough to compell me to actually get down on my hands and knees - inevitably, I'll break something made of glass.
For me, the only way to ensure that my perpetually barefoot self doesn't end up with a bloody shard a few days later when I've blissfully forgotten the risk... is a wet cloth.
Sometimes I think that's God's way of saying, "Seriously. Wash the floor."
One to many celebratory drinks
Me and my friends at Amanda's Hibachi Birthday (I'm second from the left)
I got a spicy tuna roll with seaweed salad, no hibachi for me.
It was such a fun night though and Amanda had a great birthday. We went out after and AFTER the after where I learned why it is not wise to drink rum and cokes at 3am. All in all it was worth the HEFTY HANGOVER the next day which involved some not so pleasant nausea in the morning. I slept till 2 and ended up having to get a new cellphone because it mysteriously disappeared that night.
Tonight and tomorrow I'll be celebrating Christmas at my Aunt's with my Mom's whole side of the family. My aunt, uncle and 2 cousins from FL will be up too! The 21 year olds are planning on going out tonight and in comparison to the last time we went out with our cousins it should be so much fun!
As you can tell from reading, I bypassed the gym yesterday and won't even be able to go again till Tuesday. Monday is my work training for the Sugar Bowl, so I'll be pretty busy!
I wish you all a great Holiday week and safe travels! Enjoy one another's company
Travelers, final comments and photos
And, then this Barnes and Noble..isn't it awesome? Of course, I love Barnes and Noble anyway...
And, how about this final scene from Rochester? (Pretty...)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Thursday, December 18, 2008
My Dad the Non-Consumer
He doesn't want anything. He doesn't need anything. He doesn't buy anything.
Window shopping. A foreign concept.
It's no stretch to think that us kids are adopted so that he would have someone to help him buy mom's Christmas gift.
Because that is exactly what happens.
My sister and I were usually enlisted to help him find a gift for Mom.
When my sister died, the job fell to me and my sister-in-law. We used to alternate the task each year.
One year, we forced an embargo. Dad, you've known the woman for 35 years. Man up and buy a gift.
That ended in disaster. Poor mom was nearly heartbroken.
A couple of years ago, I was totally on top of things. I had finished my shopping three weeks before Christmas. Everything was wrapped.
Then, the week before Christmas Dad called and asked me to help.
Oh man! Dad, I'm done shopping. I am NOT going back to the stores!
But I couldn't let him down. I told him I'd call him when I figured out what to get her.
The next day he called again, wanting to know what I decided.
"You're getting her a new watch. The watch she has is more than 20 years old. It's a quality watch but it's starting to come apart."
Okay, dad says. Why don't you go to W*lM*rt and... ?
I interuppted -
"NO! Dad. Seriously. You can't afford the finders fee I would charge if I had to go to W*lM*rt the week before Christmas! Besides. She has a Se!ko. We're not replacing that with a T!mex from W*lM*rt!"
He was worried. He just hates spending money and he knows my taste so he knew he wasn't going to get off cheap.
I shopped and shopped for the right watch. Finally, I told him the damage.
A heavy sigh on his end of the line, even though I'd done really well. Frugal but quality.
Then came Christmas Eve.
When my sister-in-law saw that Mom was about to open a gift from Dad, she panicked. Leaning over she whispered, "I didn't help him. Are we okay?"
"Yeah. I took care of it."
Mom was thrilled!
After we cleaned up all the damaged wrapping paper, she sat next to me admiring her new watch.
"I just love it." she said, "It's so pretty."
and then
"Has Dad seen it?"
Christmas Trees
Final Picture (taken by Brooklyn)....(before moving to corner, putting tree skirt, etc...)
Here is my office tree:

And, how about this pretty poinsetta tree that was in one of the buildings at Mayo Clinic???
Top 5
5. Ting-Tings - That's not my name (dancey and funky)
4. Mother's Little Helper - Rolling Stones (clap your hands to this)
3. Sia - Girl You Lost To Cocaine (good vocals good up-beat tempo)
2. Elephant Gun - Beirut (beautiful and whimsical)
1: Are We Human - The Killers (Soooo impressed with The Killers for this one. A-mazing)
And a quote of the day:
A song can take you back instantly to a moment, or a place, or even a person. No matter what else has changed in you or the world, that one song stays the same, just like that moment.
~ Sarah Dessen
Travelers Part III (Photos)
More photos to follow...
Big Storms A Coming!
In NJ we're supposed to get a couple inches and it's basically 100% chance of precipitation tomorrow. I'm excited for the snow, but not for the fact that we'll be traveling in it up North to my Aunt's.
Last night & this morning my sister and I did Zumba (can you tell we love it), and we did weight lifting last night for arms and I did 35 mins of elliptical today about 3.4 miles. When I got home I was starving soooo I attempted to make an omelet but it ended up as scrambled eggs. How DO you make an omelet? UGH. I added mushrooms and a slice of american cheese and it ended up being SOO GOOD. I nibbled on a sugar cookie & 3 pieces of old dominion peanut brittle.
Tonight's Amanda's birthday dinner and I'm planning on getting some sushi. THEN my friend Daryl who is obsessed with Twilight like me and is already on the last book wants to see the movie. I already saw it once but I figured I'd see it again and give it a second chance. It did not compare to the book the first time I saw it.
I downloaded Britney's Circus album and for the most part like it. It's definitely a great mix for working out but some songs (Mmmm Papi) are kinda blahhhh. Her beats are pretty sweet though for the most part.
Ahhh...I am going to accept the fact that these last 2 weeks may be the calm before the storm (new job) for me so I don't feel guilty relaxing, esp. after a good 2 hours workout :)
Have a great Thursday. What movies are you excited to see that are coming out?
I want to see Doubt and Milk!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Travelers Part II

So, the rest of our time there was spent enjoying ourselves. We shopped (mostly SHE shopped...ha!) and watched, and walked and enjoyed things. The clinic itself is so amazing, just unbelievab

Our trip home was mostly uneventful, no drama at the Minneapolis airport this time. I had checked my bag just in case..I was not about to drag it behind me running again! We made the flight connections fine, even had time to grab coffee and go to the restroom! My daughter in law picked us up at the airport, and we had lunch, and did a little more shopping in Denver before heading home. We got pretty tired, and about five miles out of town, while I was driving, the State Patrol pulled me over...he said I had crossed the center line, and more than once. After telling him I was just tired (I am sure he thought I had been drinking...) he did o

Karma's a biotch Vicky!

It you've been following you would've known that the conniving biotch Vikey who was in the final 3 always said she knew how to "play the game" lost to Ed, a member of her alliance by ONE POUND! She always was so mean to everyone and well she will be kicking herself for eating that extra pound of food because she lost to Ed by ONE POUND. I'm really happy Michelle won. She worked super hard and looked beautiful at the finale. Okay now to get off my Biggest Loser soap box....
Today my sister and I went to Cardio Kickbox/Ab Blast for an hour and it was fun! It was good because your heartrate is up the whole time and you do work a lot of good muscles. We're attending our favorite class of Zumba later on. It's such a nasty day and at times like this I am thankful to be in South Jersey and not up at school in the mountains of PA. SUCH BAD ROADS.
Christmas is 8 days away, and I feel so annoyed this year being that I have like no money to buy presents. My family understand though so I said when I am raking in the big bucks I'll pay them back. Last year I went all out on gifts so it evens out.
Have a good Wednesday! I'm excited for tomorrow night Sushi birthday dinner for my friend Amanda!
Good listen of the day: Sia - Girl You Lost to Cocaine (it sounds all punk by the title but it's such a catchy song)
Good quote: Don't go letting life harden your heart
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
I Made Something Yummy
But I've found when I do cook... it's really yummy.
Last night I was bored of eating frozen Lean Cuisine's... so I stared at the guts of my fridge for a while. Hmmm yellow squash. If I don't eat it today or tomorrow it's bound to go bad. Ah hah... yellow potatoes too.
I chopped them up and put them in the steamer 'til they were nice and soft - then tossed them into a bowl and drizzled basalmic vinegar and grapeseed oil over everything.
Can I say... DeLish!
In other news... did you know that Tootsie Pops have a new flavor? Pomegranate. Serious yum. And that's really important because I only eat red Tootsie Pops - and now there is another red flavor.
Wow. Everything's going my way!
Case Closed
Holiday Cheer!
Yesterday morning I went to spinning then went food shopping and my sister made these delicious gingerbread/sugar cookies! She individually decorated each and I had to have 2:
And THEN to make my life even MORE delicious my boss sent me this gift basket!:
I went and saw Changeling with my Mom today after a nice lunch at a local cafe' with her and my sister. I got a broccoli quiche & a salad with their award winning crab chowder! For the record, Changeling was AMAZING! I feel like with the economic crisis and the negativity going on in the country these day, people want to goto the theaters to see something lighthearted, and Changeling is definitely not that. It makes you think, leaves you on the edge of your seat and is magnificently portrayed by Angelina Jolie. AND it's a true story which I love. So go see it if you want more than a feel-good movie. I think I have enough sweet to make me feel good till next year.
My sister ALSO gave me an early Christmas present of the Top Chef computer game which I've been playing. It's sooo addicting sooo I gotta go play!
Hope you all are allowing for the little indulgences and not letting the season stress you out too much:)
Talk to ya later!