This week, Tina and I were on a trip. We left on Monday and left earlier than planned due to bad weather reports. We were glad we did, as we traveled in light snow off and on, and then when we got to Denver, we hit freezing rain which later turned to snow. It then snowed most of the night. We had to be at DIA by 5 AM! My son, who lives in Denver, drove us to the airport, and it was
yukky on the roads! We loaded up and then we had to sit in the plane a while, so they could de-ice the plane. At our next stop, we were to have about just enough time to switch planes. However, we got in about 1/2 hour late due to having to de-ice the plane. Then, we asked where to go, and they sent us to the wrong gate. We were running through the airport. I hadn't checked my bag because I stupidly thought it would be easier to take a carry on than deal with chec

king baggage. So, here we are running through the airport back and forth about three times....across moving walkways and escalators and general walks. I am dragging my suitcase behind me. I am much older and my joints don't move as quickly as my daughters, so I am sure she thought I was going to get lost. But, I kept up pretty good. In fact, at one point, I told her to push the woman in front of us down who was walking slowly.
Whoa, were
did that "moving walkway"
rage come from? Luckily, she did not push anyone down. Of course, the plane had left. They then rebooked us on a new flight and sent us in yet another direction. But, then THAT flight was cancelled due to maintenance. So, we, along with some other jolly travelers were taken on a bus to our next destination, and it was only a 90 minute ride, so not bad. I was tired, after the early morning and all that running and walking. However, when my head would jerk down from falling to sleep, I would wake up. I wanted to sleep but certainly didn't want to snore and drool on strangers. We made it fine, though.

Just a note, those of you who follow me, know what a clutz I am. I have trouble walking, let alone even getting on and off moving walkways, so it was really something for me to be running off and on them dragging my stuff. I did almost fall a couple times, but didn't! And, clunking on and off the escalators dragging, what a feat for me! Anyway, things are well. I am home now.
Stay tuned for Part II...
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