.....Reference to The Doors "Bad Moon Risin'....!" So I finished New Moon, and wow. Stephanie Meyer has a way of keeping me glued to my seat. I love how this story revealed a whole new perspective on the love story & showed a world outside of the main characters. I won't reveal to much in case your itching to read it.
Besides being completely enthralled with New Moon, I woke up and had a crunchy peanut bar & some coffee with pumpkin spice creamer, YUMMM.
Lately, I've kind of been obsessed with the show "Biggest Loser" , but the ONE THING that annoys me about it is the little "promotions" of stuff during the show. For instance, the trainer says to the guy," Want to curb your appetite? Chew this Extra mint gum."I may be naive to think that the producers think NO ONE would catch on to this. Whatev. At least the contestants are losing weight and not jumping through cut outs or proving they're smarter than a 5th grader.
My sister and I trekked to the gym around 5:30 and I finished the 1st chapter of Eclipse on the elliptical (say that 3 times fast) for 40 mins. I did some ab work, leg work and MANY CRUNCHES. Ever since pilates I hav been focusing a lot on abs. I feel once they are solid my strong core will help me achieve more.
This week seems pretty low key right now. If you're wondering where my 9-5er job is, well I am hired at 2 companies right now, one shooting weddings (wedding season is not in full swing) and the other shooting the Sugar Bowl (see previous post) which isn't till Dec. 30th and I'm HOPING to work their after the trip. I also am waiting for a callback from a film production company in January. So yeah. That's why my high level of "low-keyness" is in affect this month.
For Lunch/Dinner: I had:
Cous Cous with flax and hot sauce (yeah I'm weird)
Boca Vegetable Burger with Relish & ketchup
2 choc chip balls my mom made for her cookie swap (damn you cookie swap)
Dana (my sis) & I will be going to spinning at 7am then food shopping.
This week will be fun. My friend Amanda's bday is Thursday and we have a festive weekend including sushi & Atlantic City. THEN I'm going up North for a Christmas with my Mom's side of the family (Going out with my Cousins as well).
Now all I need is an Edward like man to come sweep me off my feet....and then my week will be complete.
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