In NJ we're supposed to get a couple inches and it's basically 100% chance of precipitation tomorrow. I'm excited for the snow, but not for the fact that we'll be traveling in it up North to my Aunt's.
Last night & this morning my sister and I did Zumba (can you tell we love it), and we did weight lifting last night for arms and I did 35 mins of elliptical today about 3.4 miles. When I got home I was starving soooo I attempted to make an omelet but it ended up as scrambled eggs. How DO you make an omelet? UGH. I added mushrooms and a slice of american cheese and it ended up being SOO GOOD. I nibbled on a sugar cookie & 3 pieces of old dominion peanut brittle.
Tonight's Amanda's birthday dinner and I'm planning on getting some sushi. THEN my friend Daryl who is obsessed with Twilight like me and is already on the last book wants to see the movie. I already saw it once but I figured I'd see it again and give it a second chance. It did not compare to the book the first time I saw it.
I downloaded Britney's Circus album and for the most part like it. It's definitely a great mix for working out but some songs (Mmmm Papi) are kinda blahhhh. Her beats are pretty sweet though for the most part.
Ahhh...I am going to accept the fact that these last 2 weeks may be the calm before the storm (new job) for me so I don't feel guilty relaxing, esp. after a good 2 hours workout :)
Have a great Thursday. What movies are you excited to see that are coming out?
I want to see Doubt and Milk!!!
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