Tom Cruise spent the 1980s as one of Hollywood's brightest-shining golden boys. With black hair,blue eyes, and unabashed cockiness, Cruise rode high on such hits as Top Gun and Rain Man. Although his popularity dimmed slightly in the early '90s, he was able to bounce back with a string of hits that re-established him as both an action hero and, in the case of Jerry Maguire and Magnolia, a talented actor.
Thomas Cruise Born on July 3, 1962, in Syracuse, NY, Cruise led a peripatetic existence as a child, moving from town to town with his rootless family. A high-school wrestler,Cruise went into acting after being sidelined by a knee injury. This new activity served a dualpurpose: performing satiated Cruise's need for attention, while the memorization aspect of acting helped him come to grips with his dyslexia.

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