Ok, no more naming the days of the week for a while. I know, it's pretty corny! But, I am in somewhat of a funk today (Friday).
First, thanks to those who encouraged me on my post about weight loss. It is a long journey, and I will make it to my destination. The leader at WW told me, think where you'll be in a year. A YEAR? Come on! How about next week? Or at least in six months! Ha! I'll plug along, though.
Then today, I got this horoscope:
Friday, March 20 You really ought to try to put as much energy as possible into improving any practical aspects of your life that you can today. It might also be a good time to try to engage in some vigorous physical activity to get your energies going a bit. Just be aware that you might be prone to overdoing things right now, particularly when it comes to eating a little too much.
Right after reading it, here came one gal with a little container of "Cinnobabies"...ti
ny yummy cinnamon rolls. I am going to only eat a couple and hide the container and take it home. I did thank her, and will enjoy my treat of 2. Then, another gal comes in and says she ordered breakfast burritos AND cinnamon rolls today for a fund raiser for a christian teen concert coming to town. Yikes! It must be "food day"???? I will have to be very busy and not go near that end of the building! Ha!
On another note, I miss my Tina and Sophie who moved to Wyoming. I am used to having her around to talk to! And, go to garage sales with (in the spring) and have a latte with and run to Kmart with.
...and, and and!! :-( I miss all of my children so very much. I am noticing her being gone more right now because she has been here, close by for a couple years again, and I got to know her as an adult and it was nice. So, I'm kinda melancholy here with my three older kids all living their own grown up lives---what the heck? Who said they could grow up and be adults with their own lives, families and homes? I dont' think I gave them permission? Oh, ya, I guess I did! I wanted them to grow up and be the people that they are, and I am really proud of them! I just really, really miss them! All of them!
So, ya, I'm in a funk.
On one last note, I have been really trying to live up to my lenten promise to myself and be a better person. I have been trying so hard to see only the good and not dwell on bad in people. I have been trying to not do anything but treat others well. I have reall
y been trying. I want to be a kind of person my grandmas, Elsie and Helen would be proud of. I also want to be a good friend to my wonderful friends. I want them to know how much I care for them. I feel that I fail some of my friends by not "listening" to what they are saying. I hear their words, but maybe not their heart. I need them to know even if I don't understand or seem to support them, that I truly do. I may not "get it" but I do love them, and hopefully will understand where they are coming from.
Wow, I guess writing this blog must truly be my therapy..sorry for rambling on!
So, enough of my funk. I will enjoy this wonderful spring weather..and HAPPY SPRING to all of you. Have a GREAT, WONDERFUL, NON-FUNKY weekend!
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