Yesterday was a successful running day. I was totally not feeling working out, but then the little voice in my head said, "5k on SATURDAY" over and over so I packed up and went. I ended up doing the whole 5k which I have run before but it is my maximum distance. Has anyone else who has run a 5k only made to to 3.1 before the race? I did stop around 29 minutes for a minute but then sprinted the last bit. I started my pace lower, even though I was hesitant, but I wanted to finish. I ran the 3.1 miles in about 33:30, averaging a 10:50 mile. I know it's not an earth shattering time, but I felt so good completing it.
I have ran 2 miles in 20:20, and a mile by itself at 9:23. I just need to work on distance and not running at a faster pace, and then crashing after 2 miles. I needed to prove to myself I could complete the 5k after a week hiatus. My goal next time is to shed it down to 32 or 31 and try to run the whole time.... It's refreshing to make it around the whole circle course on the treadmill and see it say 3.1. I ended with some ab work and legs & stretching which definitely helped with my shin splints. My 5k goal is still to be under 30.
As for healthy eating, all in all I have been doing pretty well. Friday night my 2 girlfriends talked me into going to our favorite Italian place, but instead of opting for a heavier meal I got simple linguini with red sauce. I also had a couple pieces of calamari, 2 bites of peanut butter pie... (and some wine, clearly). Yesterday before my run I had a mixed bowl of Kashi cereals. At least I ran some of the Italian off in the morning!
Last night I headed over to my friend Daryl's house for a small dinner of buffalo chicken manicotti, a recipe she created. I had two shells, and boy was it delish. For you Twilighters, we watched the bonus Twilight features & the commentary and Robert Pattinson cracked us up the whole time commenting on the movie & making fun of himself. For breakfast today I had my new love, bakery bread with sun-dried tomato Sabra hummus with 2 hb eggs.
I also decided to be pro-active and join Angela's Bikini Body Bootcamp Challenge. They readers at her site are very positive, and Angela is too, so it should be a fun way to work towards a bigger goal. We had to take before pictures of ourselves and boy were mine a wake up call. Seriously!!!! My ultimate goal is to shed the weight while adding some tightness to my body. We'll see how it goes....
This entry was pretty boring... Hopefully tomorrow I get the either good or bad news about my job interview..... Here's hoping for a steady income.......hahaha...
What am I to watch tonight now that Big Love is over???
Meditation(s) of the Day
When we love a woman we don’t start measuring her limbs ~ Pablo Picasso
Emotion always has its roots in the unconscious and manifests itself in the body. ~Irene Claremont de Castillejo
Some rain on a day of hiking in Estes Park, Colorado.......upon us all a little rain must fall....
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