Wednesday, August 3, 2011

another day....

Wow...time is really flying.   I am glad to report that I got the laptops finished setting up...yay!   Plus, I updated the software on the 12 that are kept in the training room, and got three computers ready for staff.  I feel that is a good accomplishment!   And, I have been really busy working on creating some new report cards for the elementary school.  One of the elementary secretaries has been a godsend, and after we worked together creating one, she tweaked it for the rest of her school.  Now I need  to do the same for the other elementary, which is more complicated because of the way the grades are given, so I developed a good headache today!   Then, I was trying to update our  powerschool server (for the second time) and it just didn't want to cooperate.  Guess I'll continue to read the 67 pages of directions...ugh!

We have trainings coming up next week, so we have had a lot of  calls about that.  The administrators are gone this week, so I hope I am giving the right answers...ha!   I think "I have no clue" is a pretty good answer, don't you?  Ha!

I feel like I am making some progress at work, but would really like to check EVERYTHING off of this list this week, because next week will certainly generate a new list!

I get to go to another school tomorrow and work with some more great gals (secretaries) so I am looking forward to that and also with working with our head Nurse a while, too.  

I had visits today from a couple friends/ coworkers as well, so that brightened the day!  And, got treated to some home grown cucumbers, too...YUMMMY!!!

Since hubby is working out of town, the grandkids are not here, I don't have much "at home" news.   Been trying to learn to go to bed early, but last night I didn't make it...I'll try again tonight!

Sammy is looking and feeling some better...he'll be going in for another blood test this week.  I'll update about him soon.

I seem to have thoughts all jumbled up in my head, so better just relax for a few minutes...have a good evening, blogging buddies!!!

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