Friday was the "He's Just Not That Into You" movie with my girlfriends. They should've made this movie come out Saturday so on V-day I could go with my other single friends, so blah to that.
Saturday my good friend from school had his birthday at McFaddens in Philly, and boy was it a college reunion. It was so nice catching up with everyone (and dancing) and I held my own despite the open bar and numerous bottle ordering. I didn't even eat delicious philly pizza! It was good seeing my guy friend too, I miss him! BUT I left my cellphone in the cab, and the boys were being boys saying they didn't owe for the cab/wanted to pay with a credit card (who knows) so the cab guy drove off pissed after we paid. We called my phone he said "FU and that he was trowing it out the window". I guess my perfect, fun night had to have at least one typical Erin moment.
Come next morning, recuperation. We all went to bed at like 6am. Drove home, slept, cooked a lean cuisine panini wrong (yeah didn't read the label = disgusting) and then after the Verizon store picked up a sweet onion teryaki Subway sub (footlong baby, I needed to cure my hungoverness) watched Vicky, Christina, Barcelona which was really entertaining and made me want Javier Bardem a lot. No gym, lol, Watched Big Love and passed out.
Today has been about sending out applications for jobs, gyming hardcore and attending hatha yoga. My sister had only done it once and went with me and loved it. The teacher was calm, slow moving and good. I feel stretched and rejuvenated. I probably need a detox from all the craziness this past weekend.
It felt good to see everyone from school and feel good about myself. Yeah so I could be smaller but I felt good and pretty and seemed to impress my one guy friend, lol. Confidence probably added to that and the fact that me and him used to have a "thing"... that's a whole different post in itself.
P.S here's a shot of me with my new bangs out on Thursday night with my friend Amanda.

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