Monday, February 23, 2009

Happy Birthday Dad!

Happy Birthday to my Dad. Let me tell you, he's the best. My dad wasn't always my dad, but he became dad to me and my younger sister when he married my mom, after my daddy died from cancer leaving her with two young daughters to raise. He accepted the whole package....and how lucky we were!

Later they had two more daughters, my other two sisters. He always made me feel like I was his daughter, never a "step" daughter, and I never think of him as anything other than my dad.

He has always been there for me, and I love him with all my heart. He's a wonderful dad, grandfather, and great grandfather. I wish I could express the words of how I feel, and I hope he knows in his heart what he means to me.

Happy, Happy Birthday, Dad. Thank you for everything! I love you!

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