So, I decided to go out last night in celebration of my singleness with my friends and sister and broke my rule of no alcohol, lol. It didn't go over smoothly with my only intake of 3 juices yesterday. I know I am bad but c'monnn:)I won't be drinking all week and that's a fact.
This morning I woke up had a handful of pistachios and juiced a whole grapefruit and orange, yummmy. I also had a KIND bar. I went to see "Confessions of a Shopaholic" with my mom and sis (yeah we are movie freaks this weekend) and it was soooo cute and funny.
Right now as I type I am having a bowl of
Also, today the caffeine headache isn't as bad which is good. I have decided though that I am completely taking off from the gym today in lieu of my "cheating" last night.
I actually converted my friend Amanda into doing a detox too! Yay! Today I am relaxing, watching Big Love and sleeping.
Have a great Sunday!
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