That being said, I'll move on now. I usually multi-task well. However, I have recently found my limits. I had a meltdown. I acted foolish...but within the confines of my own office...I hope I can get back into the right frame of mind...hey, that was only a week ago?
My horoscope for today:
Whether or not you like it, you could have a variety of obligations to deal with today. If you need to make some sacrifices for someone you care about, try not to complain about it too much. And if you find yourself feeling a little argumentative, remember that it may not be wise to express everything you're thinking and feeling right now.
Your mind should be quite active today and you’re bound to feel like chatting up everyone you meet. That’s perfectly fine, but just try not to be too opinionated if you can help it. Remember that other people may have a point of view to express as well. Mantra: Creativity.
Don't be argumentative....Check
Don't be too opinionated....Check
Try not to complain too much....Check
Variety of Obligations to deal with.....Check
Better get to my day...huh?
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