Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Pushed to Limit...I Lost Control
The Limits of Control
Many critics will say that it is far easier to talk about something you hate than it is to express why you loved a film. Well in the case of Jim Jarmusch's latest film, The Limits of Control, it is tougher talking about work that you disliked when it was made by people you normally love.
The story centres around a mysterious Lone Man (Isaach de Bankolé) who is sent to Spain to complete a job. While the nature of the job is not divulged to the audience at first, you get the sense that it is the type of work that can only be handled outside the realms of the law. In order for the Lone Man to complete his mission, he will have to exchange information with a series of individuals (Gael Garcia Benal, Twilda Swinton, John Hurt, etc.) and keep his mind pure of sexual temptation (Paz de la Huerto).
The Limits of Control is a film where the end result is not as important as the journey to it. To truly understand the journey, one must realize that the end result is being aware that our reality is not our reality. Confused? Well this type of philosophical discourse essentially makes up the majority of this film. Some of the discussions serve as clues to events that will happen later in the film; while others are merely random musings on everything ranging from the misuse of the word " Bohemian", when talking about artist, to this history of musical instruments.
If nothing else, The Limits of Control is easily one of the most quotable films of the year. Though you will have a heck of a time trying to figure out what all the lines mean in relation to the film. For example, Twilda Swinton's character remarks that "the best films are like dreams you are not quite sure you just had." The problem with this statement is the fact that the slow dreamlike nature, in which events unfold, is downright maddening. If anything it is a painfully slow nightmare is only scary due to how boring it actually is. Gael Garcia Benal offers up an enlightening pearl of wisdom in "everything changes by the glass you see it through." Despite all these deep and profound lines by time you reach the climax of the film, if you can even call it a climax, you realize that it all really boils down to a "I think I can, I think I can" moment. Where envisioning your goal allows you to achieve it.
I know some may argue that I am missing the bigger philosophical picture but I am not ashamed to admit I just did not get it. When Jarmusch's characters are not spewing cryptic philosophical rhetoric, the rest of the film plays like a silent travelogue for Spain. It is really tough to find the deeper meaning in a film when the one character who holds to key to everything, Bankolé's Lone Man, only manages a few words every twenty minutes. I was originally willing to give Jarmusch the benefit of the as he is a director I usually enjoy. Plus the cast featured many actors/actresses that I love. Yet it is tough to praise a film that feels like a warmed over David Lynch picture that was left in the philosophical oven for far too long. Due to the calibre of talent involved, The Limits of Control is one of the most disappointing films of the year.
The story centres around a mysterious Lone Man (Isaach de Bankolé) who is sent to Spain to complete a job. While the nature of the job is not divulged to the audience at first, you get the sense that it is the type of work that can only be handled outside the realms of the law. In order for the Lone Man to complete his mission, he will have to exchange information with a series of individuals (Gael Garcia Benal, Twilda Swinton, John Hurt, etc.) and keep his mind pure of sexual temptation (Paz de la Huerto).
The Limits of Control is a film where the end result is not as important as the journey to it. To truly understand the journey, one must realize that the end result is being aware that our reality is not our reality. Confused? Well this type of philosophical discourse essentially makes up the majority of this film. Some of the discussions serve as clues to events that will happen later in the film; while others are merely random musings on everything ranging from the misuse of the word " Bohemian", when talking about artist, to this history of musical instruments.
If nothing else, The Limits of Control is easily one of the most quotable films of the year. Though you will have a heck of a time trying to figure out what all the lines mean in relation to the film. For example, Twilda Swinton's character remarks that "the best films are like dreams you are not quite sure you just had." The problem with this statement is the fact that the slow dreamlike nature, in which events unfold, is downright maddening. If anything it is a painfully slow nightmare is only scary due to how boring it actually is. Gael Garcia Benal offers up an enlightening pearl of wisdom in "everything changes by the glass you see it through." Despite all these deep and profound lines by time you reach the climax of the film, if you can even call it a climax, you realize that it all really boils down to a "I think I can, I think I can" moment. Where envisioning your goal allows you to achieve it.
I know some may argue that I am missing the bigger philosophical picture but I am not ashamed to admit I just did not get it. When Jarmusch's characters are not spewing cryptic philosophical rhetoric, the rest of the film plays like a silent travelogue for Spain. It is really tough to find the deeper meaning in a film when the one character who holds to key to everything, Bankolé's Lone Man, only manages a few words every twenty minutes. I was originally willing to give Jarmusch the benefit of the as he is a director I usually enjoy. Plus the cast featured many actors/actresses that I love. Yet it is tough to praise a film that feels like a warmed over David Lynch picture that was left in the philosophical oven for far too long. Due to the calibre of talent involved, The Limits of Control is one of the most disappointing films of the year.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Updated List of Big Thoughts From a Small Mind's Reviews.
Please note a more updated film review list can now be found in the "Film Review" tab at top of the page
2011 Movie Report Card (click on titles for full review)
Exceptional (Grade Range A+ to A-)
Beauty Day A+
Rubber A+
13 Assassins +A
Wiebo's War A-
Good (Grade Range B+ to B-)
I Saw the Devil B+
Super B+
The High Cost of Living B+
Machete Maidens Unleashed B
The Pirate Tapes B
Hobo With a Shotgun B
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives B
The First Grader B
The Black Power Mixtape: 1967 - 1975
The Trip B
Mighty Jerome B
Boy Cheerleaders B-
Trust B-
Passed the time (Grade Range C+ to C-)
The Hangover 2 C
Scream 4 C
Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen C
A Screaming Man C
The Chocolate Farmer C
The Lumberfros C
St. Henri, the 26th of August C-
Please make it stop (Grade Range D+ to F)
Viva Riva D
The Adjustment Bureau D
The Mechanic F
Vanishing on 7th Street F
Sucker Punch F
2010 Movie Report Card (click on titles for full review)
Blue Valentine A+
Winter's Bone A+
Inception A+
Micmacs A+
The Art of the Steal A+
Toy Story 3 A+
The Illusionist A+
Dogtooth A+
The Mountain Thief A
The Social Network A
Black Swan A
Dogtooth A
Never Let Me Go A
Ajami A
127 Hours A
The Fighter A
Scott Pilgrim vs the World A
The Kids Are All Right A
The American A
Exit Through the Gift Shop A
Mr. Nobody A-
The Last Exorcism A -
Fish Tank A-
The Messenger A-
Enter the Void B+
True Grit B+
Shutter Island B+
Cargo B+
One Big Hapa Family B+
Home B+
Dear Doctor B+
Year of the Carnivore B
Animal Kingdom B
The Kings Speech B
The Ghost Writer B
Youth in Revolt B
This Movie Is Broken B
Predators B
Machete B
The Town B
Gallants B
Waiting for Superman B
Toilet B
Kick-Ass B
The Book of Eli B
High School B
Despicable Me B
TRON:Legacy C+
Life During Wartime C+
Daybreakers C+
The Joneses C+
RoboGeisha C+
The Expendables C
Chloe C
The Losers C
Hot Tub Time Machine C
Alice in Wonderland C
Heartless C
The Last Lovecraft C
The Karate Kid C
Oxhide II C-
Iron Man 2 C -
Salt C-
Red D+
Faster D+
Edge of Darkness D+
Holy Rollers D
Brooklyn's Finest D
The Lovely Bones D
Centurion D
From Paris with Love D
Splice D
She's Out of My League D
Unthinkable F
Piranha F
Cop Out F
2009 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Hunger A+
Inglourious Basterds A
Up in the Air A
A Single Man A
Polytechnique A
Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire A
More Than A Game A
A Serious Man A
Gomorrah A
District 9 A
(500) Days of Summer A
Coraline A
Adventureland A –
Where the Wild Things Are A-
I Love You, Man A-
Tyson A-
Treeless Mountain A-
New York, I Love You A-
Black Dynamite B+
The Hurt Locker B+
PontyPool B+
Star Trek B+
Zombieland B+
Fifty Dead Men Walking B
Avatar B
An Education B
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans B
Cloud 9 (Wolke 9) B
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus B
Taking of Pehlam 123 B
Sin Nombre B
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince B
The Brothers Bloom B
Taken B
The Hangover B
Watchmen B
Two Lovers B
Whip It B
Moon B
The Road B
Good Hair B
Sunshine Cleaning B-
Up B-
The International B -
The Princess and the Frog C+
Broken Embraces C+
Che C+
Paranormal Activity C+
Gigantic C
Bronson C
The Men Who Stare At Goats C
Duplicity C
Monsters vs Aliens C
Friday the 13th C
Obsessed C
Public Enemies C
The Informant! C
The Other Man C
Bruno C
9 C
The Proposal C
Antichrist C
Knowing C
Killer View C
Crazy Heart C
Surrogates C-
Sherlock Holmes C-
Orphan C-
Outlander C-
Angels and Demons C-
Fast and Furious C-
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra C-
Ninja Assassin D+
A Christmas Carol D+
The Box D+
He's Just Not That Into You D+
Ponyo D
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen D
The Blind Side D
Transporter 3 D
Observe and Report D
Drag Me To Hell D-
The Limits of Control D-
12 Rounds F
Paul Blart Mall Cop F
X-Men Origins: Wolverine F
Push F
My Bloody Valentine 3D F
Bride Wars F
2008 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Wall-E A+
The Visitor A+
The Dark Knight A+
Iron Man A
Doubt A
Milk A
I've Loved You So Long (Il y a longtemps que je t'aime) A
Rachel Getting Married A
Tropic Thunder A-
Kung-Fu Panda A-
Forgetting Sarah Marshall B+
Young People Fucking B
The Incredible Hulk B
The Good The Bad The Weird B
Happy Go Lucky B
In Bruges B
Funny Games B
Pinapple Express B
La Vie En Rose B
Hellboy II: The Golden Army B-
Rambo B-
Gran Torino B -
Blindness B-
Quantum of Solace C
The Secret Life of Bees C
Mongol C-
Sex and the City C-
Hancock C
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull C -
Speed Racer D+
Mr. Brooks D
Wanted D
Jumper D
Fool's Gold F
Saw V F
Death Race F
The Happening F
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian F
2007 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Zodiac A+
No Country for Old Men A+
Little Children A+
Children of Men A+
Michael Clayton A
The Darjeeling Limited A-
Black Snake Moan B+
I Am Legend B+
Vers Le Sud B
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End B
Blood Diamond B-
Flags of our Fathers B-
Dreamgirls C
The Good Sheperd C-
Hairspray C
Beowulf D
Primeval F
Smoking Aces F
2006 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Apocalypto A-
Sherrybaby B
The Pursuit of Happiness C
New Classics?
Millon Dollar Baby A
Everyone Says I Love You A
Battle Royale B+
Vintage Flicks
Yojimbo A+
Strangers on a Train A+
M A+
A Married Couple A
Lenny A-
Roman Holiday B+
The Philadelphia Story B
Dial M for Murder B-
Sanjuro C
The Terror F
Retro Picks
Following B+
Extremities B
The Elephant Man C-
Hudson Hawk C-
Short Films
Jellyfish Boy B+
On the Flip Side B
Film Festivals (click on titles for full review)
Toronto After Dark Film Festival
TADFF Reviews
TADFF Daily Picks
TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)
2010 TIFF Reviews
Countdown to TIFF 2010
2009 Recap Part 1
2009 Recap Part 2
2009 RecapPart 3
2008 Recap Part 1
2008 Recap Part 2
2008 Recap Part 3
2008 Recap Part 4
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival
2010 Daily Picks
2010 Film Reviews
Shinsedai Cinema Festival
2010 - The Dark Harbour & Jellyfish Boy
Yearly Top Ten
Best Films of 2010
Best Films of 2009
Best Films of 2008
Best Films of 2007
Top Ten Films of the Decade: 2000-2009
Worst Films of 2009
Adventures in Podcasting
Press Releases
Top 10 / Top 5/ Random Lists
Which is Better?
The Must See List
Movie Marketing Monday
Sharing the Blogging Love
Film Pitches
Whatever Happened To...?
2011 Movie Report Card (click on titles for full review)
Exceptional (Grade Range A+ to A-)
Beauty Day A+
Rubber A+
13 Assassins +A
Wiebo's War A-
Good (Grade Range B+ to B-)
I Saw the Devil B+
Super B+
The High Cost of Living B+
Machete Maidens Unleashed B
The Pirate Tapes B
Hobo With a Shotgun B
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives B
The First Grader B
The Black Power Mixtape: 1967 - 1975
The Trip B
Mighty Jerome B
Boy Cheerleaders B-
Trust B-
Passed the time (Grade Range C+ to C-)
The Hangover 2 C
Scream 4 C
Legend of the Fist: The Return of Chen Zhen C
A Screaming Man C
The Chocolate Farmer C
The Lumberfros C
St. Henri, the 26th of August C-
Please make it stop (Grade Range D+ to F)
Viva Riva D
The Adjustment Bureau D
The Mechanic F
Vanishing on 7th Street F
Sucker Punch F
2010 Movie Report Card (click on titles for full review)
Blue Valentine A+
Winter's Bone A+
Inception A+
Micmacs A+
The Art of the Steal A+
Toy Story 3 A+
The Illusionist A+
Dogtooth A+
The Mountain Thief A
The Social Network A
Black Swan A
Dogtooth A
Never Let Me Go A
Ajami A
127 Hours A
The Fighter A
Scott Pilgrim vs the World A
The Kids Are All Right A
The American A
Exit Through the Gift Shop A
Mr. Nobody A-
The Last Exorcism A -
Fish Tank A-
The Messenger A-
Enter the Void B+
True Grit B+
Shutter Island B+
Cargo B+
One Big Hapa Family B+
Home B+
Dear Doctor B+
Year of the Carnivore B
Animal Kingdom B
The Kings Speech B
The Ghost Writer B
Youth in Revolt B
This Movie Is Broken B
Predators B
Machete B
The Town B
Gallants B
Waiting for Superman B
Toilet B
Kick-Ass B
The Book of Eli B
High School B
Despicable Me B
TRON:Legacy C+
Life During Wartime C+
Daybreakers C+
The Joneses C+
RoboGeisha C+
The Expendables C
Chloe C
The Losers C
Hot Tub Time Machine C
Alice in Wonderland C
Heartless C
The Last Lovecraft C
The Karate Kid C
Oxhide II C-
Iron Man 2 C -
Salt C-
Red D+
Faster D+
Edge of Darkness D+
Holy Rollers D
Brooklyn's Finest D
The Lovely Bones D
Centurion D
From Paris with Love D
Splice D
She's Out of My League D
Unthinkable F
Piranha F
Cop Out F
2009 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Hunger A+
Inglourious Basterds A
Up in the Air A
A Single Man A
Polytechnique A
Precious: Based on the Novel “Push” by Sapphire A
More Than A Game A
A Serious Man A
Gomorrah A
District 9 A
(500) Days of Summer A
Coraline A
Adventureland A –
Where the Wild Things Are A-
I Love You, Man A-
Tyson A-
Treeless Mountain A-
New York, I Love You A-
Black Dynamite B+
The Hurt Locker B+
PontyPool B+
Star Trek B+
Zombieland B+
Fifty Dead Men Walking B
Avatar B
An Education B
The Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans B
Cloud 9 (Wolke 9) B
The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus B
Taking of Pehlam 123 B
Sin Nombre B
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince B
The Brothers Bloom B
Taken B
The Hangover B
Watchmen B
Two Lovers B
Whip It B
Moon B
The Road B
Good Hair B
Sunshine Cleaning B-
Up B-
The International B -
The Princess and the Frog C+
Broken Embraces C+
Che C+
Paranormal Activity C+
Gigantic C
Bronson C
The Men Who Stare At Goats C
Duplicity C
Monsters vs Aliens C
Friday the 13th C
Obsessed C
Public Enemies C
The Informant! C
The Other Man C
Bruno C
9 C
The Proposal C
Antichrist C
Knowing C
Killer View C
Crazy Heart C
Surrogates C-
Sherlock Holmes C-
Orphan C-
Outlander C-
Angels and Demons C-
Fast and Furious C-
G.I. Joe: The Rise of Cobra C-
Ninja Assassin D+
A Christmas Carol D+
The Box D+
He's Just Not That Into You D+
Ponyo D
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen D
The Blind Side D
Transporter 3 D
Observe and Report D
Drag Me To Hell D-
The Limits of Control D-
12 Rounds F
Paul Blart Mall Cop F
X-Men Origins: Wolverine F
Push F
My Bloody Valentine 3D F
Bride Wars F
2008 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Wall-E A+
The Visitor A+
The Dark Knight A+
Iron Man A
Doubt A
Milk A
I've Loved You So Long (Il y a longtemps que je t'aime) A
Rachel Getting Married A
Tropic Thunder A-
Kung-Fu Panda A-
Forgetting Sarah Marshall B+
Young People Fucking B
The Incredible Hulk B
The Good The Bad The Weird B
Happy Go Lucky B
In Bruges B
Funny Games B
Pinapple Express B
La Vie En Rose B
Hellboy II: The Golden Army B-
Rambo B-
Gran Torino B -
Blindness B-
Quantum of Solace C
The Secret Life of Bees C
Mongol C-
Sex and the City C-
Hancock C
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull C -
Speed Racer D+
Mr. Brooks D
Wanted D
Jumper D
Fool's Gold F
Saw V F
Death Race F
The Happening F
The Chronicles of Narnia: Prince Caspian F
2007 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Zodiac A+
No Country for Old Men A+
Little Children A+
Children of Men A+
Michael Clayton A
The Darjeeling Limited A-
Black Snake Moan B+
I Am Legend B+
Vers Le Sud B
Pirates of the Caribbean: At Worlds End B
Blood Diamond B-
Flags of our Fathers B-
Dreamgirls C
The Good Sheperd C-
Hairspray C
Beowulf D
Primeval F
Smoking Aces F
2006 Movie Reviews (click on titles for full review)
Apocalypto A-
Sherrybaby B
The Pursuit of Happiness C
New Classics?
Millon Dollar Baby A
Everyone Says I Love You A
Battle Royale B+
Vintage Flicks
Yojimbo A+
Strangers on a Train A+
M A+
A Married Couple A
Lenny A-
Roman Holiday B+
The Philadelphia Story B
Dial M for Murder B-
Sanjuro C
The Terror F
Retro Picks
Following B+
Extremities B
The Elephant Man C-
Hudson Hawk C-
Short Films
Jellyfish Boy B+
On the Flip Side B
Film Festivals (click on titles for full review)
Toronto After Dark Film Festival
TADFF Reviews
TADFF Daily Picks
TIFF (Toronto International Film Festival)
2010 TIFF Reviews
Countdown to TIFF 2010
2009 Recap Part 1
2009 Recap Part 2
2009 RecapPart 3
2008 Recap Part 1
2008 Recap Part 2
2008 Recap Part 3
2008 Recap Part 4
Toronto Reel Asian Film Festival
2010 Daily Picks
2010 Film Reviews
Shinsedai Cinema Festival
2010 - The Dark Harbour & Jellyfish Boy
Yearly Top Ten
Best Films of 2010
Best Films of 2009
Best Films of 2008
Best Films of 2007
Top Ten Films of the Decade: 2000-2009
Worst Films of 2009
Adventures in Podcasting
Press Releases
Top 10 / Top 5/ Random Lists
Which is Better?
The Must See List
Movie Marketing Monday
Sharing the Blogging Love
Film Pitches
Whatever Happened To...?
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Road Safety Is Key For Survival
The Full List of Big Thoughts From A Small Mind's 2009 Reviews
This review was originally posted in my 2009 Toronto Film Festival Recap. The review has been re-posted as the film will finally be released in select cinemas this week
The Road
Based on the novel by Cormac McCarthy, John Hillcoat’s The Road is bleak look at a world on the brink. Set in a post-apocalyptic future, a father (Viggo Mortensen) and son (Kodi Smit-McPhee) struggle to survive by any means necessary. As duo travel aimlessly day to day, they encounter various individuals (Robert Duvall, Michael K. Williams, etc) that will ultimately blur the lines between good and evil even further.
As weird as it may sound, I always find stories about the decay of society fascinating. The Road is a very bleak film that reminded me of Fernando Meirelles’ Blindness in many ways, though The Road is not nearly as graphic and the overall execution of is far better. The interesting thing about this film is that it does not care what caused the world to get to the point that it is at. The real focus is on the theme of family; and the lengths that people will go through to protect the ones they love.
There is also an underlying question of whether childhood innocence can exist in such a horrific world? There are times in the film where Smit-McPhee’s character comes off a little too naïve for my liking. Especially if you take into account everything that he has experienced up to this point. Having not read the source material I cannot say whether the character was originally written this way or if it was more a result of Hillcoat’s direction.
The real strength of the film is found in the casting. Viggo Mortensen is very good in the lead role; he has the right mixture of vulnerability and jadedness needed for the role. I also really liked the supporting performances of Duvall and Williams. Though I wish Molly Parker and Guy Pearce were given more to do. I understand their character’s roles are minor but, with actors of their talent, it would have been great to see them play some of the darker roles in the film. While it did not blow me away like other post-apocalyptic films have, say Children of Men for example, The Road did hold my interest the throughout.
This review was originally posted in my 2009 Toronto Film Festival Recap. The review has been re-posted as the film will finally be released in select cinemas this week
The Road
As weird as it may sound, I always find stories about the decay of society fascinating. The Road is a very bleak film that reminded me of Fernando Meirelles’ Blindness in many ways, though The Road is not nearly as graphic and the overall execution of is far better. The interesting thing about this film is that it does not care what caused the world to get to the point that it is at. The real focus is on the theme of family; and the lengths that people will go through to protect the ones they love.
There is also an underlying question of whether childhood innocence can exist in such a horrific world? There are times in the film where Smit-McPhee’s character comes off a little too naïve for my liking. Especially if you take into account everything that he has experienced up to this point. Having not read the source material I cannot say whether the character was originally written this way or if it was more a result of Hillcoat’s direction.
The real strength of the film is found in the casting. Viggo Mortensen is very good in the lead role; he has the right mixture of vulnerability and jadedness needed for the role. I also really liked the supporting performances of Duvall and Williams. Though I wish Molly Parker and Guy Pearce were given more to do. I understand their character’s roles are minor but, with actors of their talent, it would have been great to see them play some of the darker roles in the film. While it did not blow me away like other post-apocalyptic films have, say Children of Men for example, The Road did hold my interest the throughout.
I know my life is not perfect. It is filled with challenges and complications that often frustrate me.
Finding the ideal job after 14 months of unemployment/ underemployment - and getting laid-off a year later. Finding a really good man and having to break up because something keeps him from being 100% invested. Buying a condo all by myself - and having the worst neighbor in the history of the world move in below me!!!
I know my life is not perfect. I know that no body's is. But it does seem that some people are charmed. Nothing seems to go wrong. Everything goes so smoothly, you wonder if they even notice.
Like the friend who announces her pregnancy to everyone she knows the second the stick turns blue. Really? You're not worried the stick is wrong, or that the pregnancy won't stick?
When every other friend I know dealt with at least one miscarriage before they had a pregnancy they could announce - it seems like just assuming everything is going to go perfectly is akin to taking that blessing for granted.
Or the friend who has to make up problems. With her husband's support, she's a stay at home mom - but stresses that their house is too small for their children to be proud of. That the baby's room isn't 100% Pottery Barn. Precious time with your children and enough blankets to be warm, no matter the label or thread count is nothing to take for granted.
So today, I am thankful for the challenges in my life. I can't take having a job for granted, I can't take a man who loves me unconditionally for granted. My parents, in their 70s are healthy and hilarious - can't take that for granted.
I've always said that taking so long to find the right guy - I would never take my husband, or the fact that I have a husband - for granted. And I don't think I ever could. (should that day arrive!)
Doing without should make a person appreciate that which she has.
I'm grateful for the challenges in my life because they make me appreciate the sweet, simple, easy stuff all the more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Finding the ideal job after 14 months of unemployment/ underemployment - and getting laid-off a year later. Finding a really good man and having to break up because something keeps him from being 100% invested. Buying a condo all by myself - and having the worst neighbor in the history of the world move in below me!!!
I know my life is not perfect. I know that no body's is. But it does seem that some people are charmed. Nothing seems to go wrong. Everything goes so smoothly, you wonder if they even notice.
Like the friend who announces her pregnancy to everyone she knows the second the stick turns blue. Really? You're not worried the stick is wrong, or that the pregnancy won't stick?
When every other friend I know dealt with at least one miscarriage before they had a pregnancy they could announce - it seems like just assuming everything is going to go perfectly is akin to taking that blessing for granted.
Or the friend who has to make up problems. With her husband's support, she's a stay at home mom - but stresses that their house is too small for their children to be proud of. That the baby's room isn't 100% Pottery Barn. Precious time with your children and enough blankets to be warm, no matter the label or thread count is nothing to take for granted.
So today, I am thankful for the challenges in my life. I can't take having a job for granted, I can't take a man who loves me unconditionally for granted. My parents, in their 70s are healthy and hilarious - can't take that for granted.
I've always said that taking so long to find the right guy - I would never take my husband, or the fact that I have a husband - for granted. And I don't think I ever could. (should that day arrive!)
Doing without should make a person appreciate that which she has.
I'm grateful for the challenges in my life because they make me appreciate the sweet, simple, easy stuff all the more.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Today's Thankful..and Questions

I am thankful for snow. Sometimes when you watch the flakes fall, they are just beautiful and magical.
Do you remember sledding? Did you sled as a child? We did! It is something I do with Chloe and Brooklyn when we can, too!
How about snowmen? I hope you build snowmen still, too! (And don't forget to lay down in the snow and make snow angels!!)
Tuesday, November 24, 2009
Today's Thankful

I have a son with a beautiful voice, daughters who dance to the music with such grace...family that sings, and enjoys music. I like to sing along in church. I love our family gathering around the piano singing Christmas carols while my mom accompanies us.
Thank you God, for music!
Monday, November 23, 2009
Hunger Can Be Quite Filling
The Full List of Big Thoughts From A Small Mind's 2009 Reviews.
There have been many predictions regarding who the Oscar nominees will be this year. Yet the one thing that is usually left out of these discussions is timing. In a year in where the Academy Awards have expanded the Best Picture category to allow ten films, one of the best films of 2009 is not even eligible to compete. Although Steve McQueen's stunning debut, Hunger, hit most theatres this year it actually was eligible for Oscar consideration last year. If Hunger had been able to compete this year I am sure more people would be singing its praises. Similar to The Hurt Locker, I think Hunger would have benefitted greatly from the new Oscar rules; and what seems to be a weaker competition pool in general this year.
Set in Belfast's infamous Maze prison in 1981, Hunger looks at the events leading up to IRA hunger strike led by Bobby Sands (Michael Fassbender). The interesting thing about this tale is that Bobby Sands only really factors into the third act of the film. The first part focuses on a prison guard (Stuart Graham) whose work has scarred him emotionally beyond repair. In the second section we see what has caused the prison guard all the mental distress. McQueen shows us two inmates (Brian Milligan and Liam McMahon) who endure hell while participating in a IRA prisoners' protest wear they refuse to wear prison clothes and bathe. The IRA prisoners do not see themselves as criminals and want to get political prisoners' status from the British Government. The protest results in a volatile and violent standoff against the prison guards. The remainder of the film focuses on why Bobby Sands was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause.
Hunger is a bleak and unrelenting film that will probably drive many viewers mad with its unconventionality. Why should you see it then? Despite its harsh realistic moments, it is an immensely rewarding picture. Hunger is a brilliant piece of filmmaking that not only renews your faith in the future of cinema, but also challenges you ever step of the way. This film raises many questions and shows you both sides of the tale. Yet do not expect any simple answers, this is a film where the viewer must ultimately come up with their own conclusion and the choice is far from easy.
On one hand you must reflect on the war outside the prison before you can look at the one waging within it. Regardless of the events which led to the birth of the Irish Republic Army, the group, during was considered by many to be a terrorist organization. McQueen provides a glimpse of their ruthlessness in a chilling scene at a nursing home. On the other hand, does this justify the harsh treatment that the men had to endure in prison? Does Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s final decision actually mean that the men, though misguided in their methods, were actually fighting for a proper cause on the outside?
The events in Hunger exist completely in a grey area where actions, no matter how horrible, can be justified for and argued against by both sides equally. The only real commentary that McQueen will divulge is that the whole conflict impacted both sides on a deep emotional level. The fact that neither the government/guards nor the IRA prisoners wanted to back down only made the emotional wounds that much deeper.
Hunger may be Steve McQueen's first film but it is far more accomplished than some of the veteran directors working today. This is a film that will resonate with you for a long while. McQueen is able to get extraordinary performances from his cast. One of my favourite scenes in the whole movie is the twenty minute conversation between Sands and a priest (Liam Cunningham). There is so much going on in this scene, from both an acting and story standpoint, that it take multiple viewings for all the subtle elements to come fully into view. Michael Fassbender, who was also good in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds, gives a phenomenal performance as Sands. We have seen many actors gain and lose weight for a role but few have given a performance so powerful that you actually forget you are watching an actor.
Hunger is a film that will make you angry, gross you out at times, and ultimately make you sad for all the parties involved. Yet it is a film that you must see for the sheer magnitude and brilliance of it all. Hunger is hands down one of the best films of the year.
Set in Belfast's infamous Maze prison in 1981, Hunger looks at the events leading up to IRA hunger strike led by Bobby Sands (Michael Fassbender). The interesting thing about this tale is that Bobby Sands only really factors into the third act of the film. The first part focuses on a prison guard (Stuart Graham) whose work has scarred him emotionally beyond repair. In the second section we see what has caused the prison guard all the mental distress. McQueen shows us two inmates (Brian Milligan and Liam McMahon) who endure hell while participating in a IRA prisoners' protest wear they refuse to wear prison clothes and bathe. The IRA prisoners do not see themselves as criminals and want to get political prisoners' status from the British Government. The protest results in a volatile and violent standoff against the prison guards. The remainder of the film focuses on why Bobby Sands was willing to make the ultimate sacrifice for the cause.
Hunger is a bleak and unrelenting film that will probably drive many viewers mad with its unconventionality. Why should you see it then? Despite its harsh realistic moments, it is an immensely rewarding picture. Hunger is a brilliant piece of filmmaking that not only renews your faith in the future of cinema, but also challenges you ever step of the way. This film raises many questions and shows you both sides of the tale. Yet do not expect any simple answers, this is a film where the viewer must ultimately come up with their own conclusion and the choice is far from easy.
On one hand you must reflect on the war outside the prison before you can look at the one waging within it. Regardless of the events which led to the birth of the Irish Republic Army, the group, during was considered by many to be a terrorist organization. McQueen provides a glimpse of their ruthlessness in a chilling scene at a nursing home. On the other hand, does this justify the harsh treatment that the men had to endure in prison? Does Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher’s final decision actually mean that the men, though misguided in their methods, were actually fighting for a proper cause on the outside?
The events in Hunger exist completely in a grey area where actions, no matter how horrible, can be justified for and argued against by both sides equally. The only real commentary that McQueen will divulge is that the whole conflict impacted both sides on a deep emotional level. The fact that neither the government/guards nor the IRA prisoners wanted to back down only made the emotional wounds that much deeper.
Hunger may be Steve McQueen's first film but it is far more accomplished than some of the veteran directors working today. This is a film that will resonate with you for a long while. McQueen is able to get extraordinary performances from his cast. One of my favourite scenes in the whole movie is the twenty minute conversation between Sands and a priest (Liam Cunningham). There is so much going on in this scene, from both an acting and story standpoint, that it take multiple viewings for all the subtle elements to come fully into view. Michael Fassbender, who was also good in Quentin Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds, gives a phenomenal performance as Sands. We have seen many actors gain and lose weight for a role but few have given a performance so powerful that you actually forget you are watching an actor.
Hunger is a film that will make you angry, gross you out at times, and ultimately make you sad for all the parties involved. Yet it is a film that you must see for the sheer magnitude and brilliance of it all. Hunger is hands down one of the best films of the year.
Todays Thankful....and Mourning Monday
Sunday, November 22, 2009
the nicole kidman best pictures
nicole kidman Nicole Kidman Hot Picturenicole kidman picsnicole kidman picNicole Kidman Sexy Wallpaper
Todays Thankful...and Weekend Comments

I am thankful today for my weekly phone calls with my parents. I try to call them every week at least once...and what a gift that is to me. I enjoy the conversations more than anyone can know. It grounds me, and makes my week start off on a great note. What joy I get from talking with them!
Have a great week!
This Box Should Be Packed Away
The Full List of Big Thoughts From A Small Mind's 2009 Reviews.
The Box
If you could get one million dollars for merely pushing a button once would you do it? Take a moment to really think about this question. Would you push the button if you knew that somewhere in the world one person, who you have never met, would die as a result? These questions serve as the catalyst for Richard Kelly's latest science fiction work, The Box. Based on Richard Matheson's short story "Button, Button", The Box is film that is all about the unrelenting cycle of choices and consequences.
Norma and Arthur Lewis (Cameron Diaz and James Marsden) are a happily married couple living the typical suburban life in 1976. One morning the couple wake up to find a mysterious package on their front door. The parcel contains a wooden box with a red button encased in glass and a note stating that Arlington Steward (Frank Langella) shall be stopping by later. Sure enough, a slightly disfigured Arlington Steward appears later that day to make the couple an offer that they seemingly cannot refuse. Arlington informs Norma that if she, or her husband, pushes the button the couple will receive one million dollars. The only catch being that someone somewhere in the world would die as a result. Arlington informs the couple that they have twenty-four hours to make a choice.
The Box offers a very interesting premise as the themes of financial worth versus human life offers plenty to think about. Sadly the film does live up to its initial set up at all. What makes this film even more disappointing is the fact that this is director Richard Kelly's second straight strike (the first being Southland Tales) after hitting it out of the park with Donnie Darko. Richard Kelly has shown in his earlier works, most notably the aforementioned Darko, that he has the skill needed to deliver complex and engaging science fiction fare. Unfortunately we only get brief glimpses of Kelly's talent in this shamble of a film.
There are several elements that hurt this film, the most notable being the uneven editing. Due to the abrupt editing it often feels like chunks of the story are missing. Characters randomly appear and react to things without any real contexts. Several individuals are creepy just for the sake of being creepy. The flaws with the editing become more pronounced once Kelly reveals all of the major plot points.
Needless to say The Box does require the audience to take huge leaps of faith in order to avoid the numerous plot holes. The problem is there is only so much silliness a person can sit through before you start to question things. For example, if we are to believe that the events in this picture happened before and will happen again. Is Arthur's actions towards the latter half of the film as important as his NASA friends would have you believe? Also, the issue of freewill is both the cause and cure to certain situations, should Arlington's side really be that judgmental of the choices the characters make? Especially since Arlington is constantly arranging events to ensure things play out the way they do?
Richard Kelly strives to make The Box a dark and pulpy tale, as a result it plays more like a really bad episode of the Twilight Zone. Heck, even a television show like Fringe could make this subject matter far more disturbing and engaging. The cast does the best they can with the material but even that is not enough to salvage the film. Langella is the standout as he has the juiciest role in the picture. Marsden and Diaz have been far better elsewhere and never reach the level they should to give the picture greater significance. As much as it pains me to say, most of the blame has to fall on Kelly's shoulders for this. Instead of focusing more on tighter editing and a stronger script, Kelly seems to be more interested in making grand statements and incorporating moments merely because it allows for some "cool shots." There is a chance that The Box is one of those films that will reveal its hidden strengths upon multiple viewings. Frankly it was excruciating to sit through this film once, I can hardly fathom the idea of torturing myself again just to see if there is something more hidden at the bottom of this box.
The Box
Norma and Arthur Lewis (Cameron Diaz and James Marsden) are a happily married couple living the typical suburban life in 1976. One morning the couple wake up to find a mysterious package on their front door. The parcel contains a wooden box with a red button encased in glass and a note stating that Arlington Steward (Frank Langella) shall be stopping by later. Sure enough, a slightly disfigured Arlington Steward appears later that day to make the couple an offer that they seemingly cannot refuse. Arlington informs Norma that if she, or her husband, pushes the button the couple will receive one million dollars. The only catch being that someone somewhere in the world would die as a result. Arlington informs the couple that they have twenty-four hours to make a choice.
The Box offers a very interesting premise as the themes of financial worth versus human life offers plenty to think about. Sadly the film does live up to its initial set up at all. What makes this film even more disappointing is the fact that this is director Richard Kelly's second straight strike (the first being Southland Tales) after hitting it out of the park with Donnie Darko. Richard Kelly has shown in his earlier works, most notably the aforementioned Darko, that he has the skill needed to deliver complex and engaging science fiction fare. Unfortunately we only get brief glimpses of Kelly's talent in this shamble of a film.
There are several elements that hurt this film, the most notable being the uneven editing. Due to the abrupt editing it often feels like chunks of the story are missing. Characters randomly appear and react to things without any real contexts. Several individuals are creepy just for the sake of being creepy. The flaws with the editing become more pronounced once Kelly reveals all of the major plot points.
Needless to say The Box does require the audience to take huge leaps of faith in order to avoid the numerous plot holes. The problem is there is only so much silliness a person can sit through before you start to question things. For example, if we are to believe that the events in this picture happened before and will happen again. Is Arthur's actions towards the latter half of the film as important as his NASA friends would have you believe? Also, the issue of freewill is both the cause and cure to certain situations, should Arlington's side really be that judgmental of the choices the characters make? Especially since Arlington is constantly arranging events to ensure things play out the way they do?
Richard Kelly strives to make The Box a dark and pulpy tale, as a result it plays more like a really bad episode of the Twilight Zone. Heck, even a television show like Fringe could make this subject matter far more disturbing and engaging. The cast does the best they can with the material but even that is not enough to salvage the film. Langella is the standout as he has the juiciest role in the picture. Marsden and Diaz have been far better elsewhere and never reach the level they should to give the picture greater significance. As much as it pains me to say, most of the blame has to fall on Kelly's shoulders for this. Instead of focusing more on tighter editing and a stronger script, Kelly seems to be more interested in making grand statements and incorporating moments merely because it allows for some "cool shots." There is a chance that The Box is one of those films that will reveal its hidden strengths upon multiple viewings. Frankly it was excruciating to sit through this film once, I can hardly fathom the idea of torturing myself again just to see if there is something more hidden at the bottom of this box.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Another surprise!

And...isn't this true?--------If the only prayer you said in your whole life was, "thank you," that would suffice. ~Meister Eckhart
Megan Fox’s NYT outtakes courtesy
I’d really like to hope that this is not really the way Angelina feels about Megan. What I want to believe is that either Angelina is like “Megan who now?” or that Angelina’s like “I’ll shank that sk-nky little poseur if she comes near me.” As much as the media seems to want to make the Angelina-Megan thing a competition, or that Megan is “replacing” the 34-year-old Jolie, I don’t really think
Thursday, November 19, 2009
megan fox top and hot pics
London, October 19 : Megan Fox has been confirmed as the queen of science fiction after being voted as the best sci-fi actress at the Spike TV Scream 2009 festival.The event that took place at the Greek Theatre in Los Angeles recognized performances in the genre of sci-fi, horror, fantasy and comic-inspired films and TV shows.Fox landed with the prize for her role in ‘Transformers: Revenge of the
Today's Thankful...and Thursday Smursday

Happy Thursday!
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Today's Thankful...
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
Back to Sleep
My back - particularly my shoulders - are all kinds of jacked-up.
I've had a knot in my right shoulder for about 20 years now. It was dissolved for about a week around three years ago when my dear, dear friend Kikr treated me to her favorite massage therapist. If only I could afford to visit a 6' 7", 260lb, ex-marine-turned- massage-therapist in San Francisco once a week - perhaps I could keep that knot at bay.
I can't, so the knot is stubbornly at the base of my neck and screaming at me on a daily basis.
It screams really loudly in the mornings as I wake up laying on my back with my right shoulder next to my ear. It takes a good hour and a hot shower to ease the stiff pain.
This morning, I woke up with my right arm above my head, as if I were in a dramatic fainting scene in a silent film. Shoulder firmly planted next to my ear.
My chiropractor does not find this amusing. She enjoys my rendition of the story of course, but once she gets me on the table and starts cracking away she tells me just how out of alignment I am. Today even my ribs were out of place!! Not kidding.
If only I could afford to see her each week!
Today, she reminded me that lying on one's stomach immediately moves one's spine out of alignment. I knew it wasn't good for me, but I never before realized that it was that bad! I told her that I thought I was making progress because for the past year I've been waking up on my back. Yay me!
But the fact that I crawl into bed, ease to my right side for about 5 minutes then roll onto my stomach, cradling my pillow between my arms and my head until I fall asleep has her concerned. We don't know what time of the night or morning I move to my back.
She told me that some folks sew pockets on the front of their PJs and fill them with tennis balls to avoid rolling onto their tummy. I imagined that it would take just two attempts to roll over before those tennis balls find themselves across the room!!
How do you fall asleep? Have you ever had to break the habit of sleeping on your stomach - and how did you do it?
I've had a knot in my right shoulder for about 20 years now. It was dissolved for about a week around three years ago when my dear, dear friend Kikr treated me to her favorite massage therapist. If only I could afford to visit a 6' 7", 260lb, ex-marine-turned- massage-therapist in San Francisco once a week - perhaps I could keep that knot at bay.
I can't, so the knot is stubbornly at the base of my neck and screaming at me on a daily basis.
It screams really loudly in the mornings as I wake up laying on my back with my right shoulder next to my ear. It takes a good hour and a hot shower to ease the stiff pain.
This morning, I woke up with my right arm above my head, as if I were in a dramatic fainting scene in a silent film. Shoulder firmly planted next to my ear.
My chiropractor does not find this amusing. She enjoys my rendition of the story of course, but once she gets me on the table and starts cracking away she tells me just how out of alignment I am. Today even my ribs were out of place!! Not kidding.
If only I could afford to see her each week!
Today, she reminded me that lying on one's stomach immediately moves one's spine out of alignment. I knew it wasn't good for me, but I never before realized that it was that bad! I told her that I thought I was making progress because for the past year I've been waking up on my back. Yay me!
But the fact that I crawl into bed, ease to my right side for about 5 minutes then roll onto my stomach, cradling my pillow between my arms and my head until I fall asleep has her concerned. We don't know what time of the night or morning I move to my back.
She told me that some folks sew pockets on the front of their PJs and fill them with tennis balls to avoid rolling onto their tummy. I imagined that it would take just two attempts to roll over before those tennis balls find themselves across the room!!
How do you fall asleep? Have you ever had to break the habit of sleeping on your stomach - and how did you do it?
Today's Thankful
Monday, November 16, 2009
“I understand feeling as small and as insignificant as humanly possible. And how it can actually ache in places you didn’t know you had inside you. And it doesn’t matter how many new haircuts you get, or gyms you join, or how many glasses of chardonnay you drink with your girlfriends… you still go to bed every night going over every detail and wonder what you did wrong or how you could have misunderstood. And how in the hell for that brief moment you could think that you were that happy. And sometimes you can even convince yourself that he’ll see the light and show up at your door. And after all that, however long all that may be, you’ll go somewhere new. And you’ll meet people who make you feel worthwhile again. And little pieces of your soul will finally come back. And all that fuzzy stuff, those years of your life that you wasted, that will eventually begin to fade.”
— Iris, The Holiday
satnam. (truth)
Pleasantly Surprised

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos to order, confusion to clarity. It can turn a meal into a feast, a house into a home, a stranger into a friend. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow."
~ Melody Beattie
I'm completely surprised by so many experiences I have had over the past 4 days. I'll begin with my yoga program I took part in this weekend. I signed up to do "Freedom and Flow: Baptiste Power Yoga". If you are not familiar with Baptiste yoga, it's a type of yoga that sets your body on fire (as the teacher described it) The amazing thing was that while I was immersed in the sweat and on verge of tears, I was thoroughly enjoying pushing myself to the limit. It wasn't like past exertions i have done (cardio, running, strength training etc..) where I didn't fully feel connected to the practice mentally.Yoga for me is partially a spiritual practice for me right now, so pushing my physical and mental limits while doing yoga was cataclysmic. At one point after I had "flipped my dog" into a back-bend and pulled up from my back bend, I caught myself smiling, even though I was physically pushed to the limit. It was, in fact, pleasantly surprising.
After the 10 hour yogapolooza of a weekend, I needed a release. I know in pure yogini fashion this wouldn't involve beers and football, but I'm only human. I was pleasantly surprised how much I got into the game and also how much I enjoyed the company of 2 volunteers here that I had never really talked to in the past. I share more in common with them than I thought. By the end of the game, I was slapping five, yelling, and trying to cheer everyone up when they lost (side note: do not do this after a major loss!) which in my opinion only increases the anger in die-hard fans. It was a great night and just what I needed.
I have also started a new Kundalini Kria (practice) with the girls. I surprised myself and woke up at 5 and 6am each morning to take part in the 'Super Humanhuman" breath work that is Kundalini. I miss the consistency of meeting with the girls each day to share space and release everything inside together.
So, it's not everyday I find myself doing yoga for 10 hours in one weekend, watching football and loving it thoroughly and committing to a kundalini practice that is sure to exceed 40 days. I guess the magic everyone has been talking about that exists here has taken a hold of me. Or I am just crazy. I feel like anything that comes my way is achievable and possible. Oh the places you will go!
I am a walking corny inspirational poster and for the first time, I don't have a sarcastic comment to counteract it. Surprising.
Additional Monday Post...
I think I should go on home....
Monday, November 16
It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to spend as much time as you can around the house with your family and loved ones right now. A little quiet time at home could do a lot to recharge and revitalize you at this time. You might also want to take the chance to accomplish a few things around the house while you can.
Monday, November 16

It probably wouldn't be a bad idea to spend as much time as you can around the house with your family and loved ones right now. A little quiet time at home could do a lot to recharge and revitalize you at this time. You might also want to take the chance to accomplish a few things around the house while you can.
Todays Thankful....and Mourning Monday
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Nicole Kidman acts odd
The Huffington Post has a poll up about Nicole’s lips, and they have a series of close-ups of Kidman’s lips throughout the years to compare and contrast. Once you look at them, it does become obvious just how “plumped” she’s getting those puppies.Us Weekly piled on too, pulling Nicole’s old quotes about how she’s all-natural: “I am completely natural. I have nothing in my face or anything.” Us
Todays Thankful...and Weekend Comments

And since I didn't post yesterday, I will give two thankfuls! I am also thankful for friends, old and new. What would we do without our friends? Do you have a friend or 2 that accepts you just the way you are? A friend or 2 that you can tell anything to? A friend or 2 that does't criticize, judge or envy you or you her? I do. And I cherish that. I have friends in my life that I just relish. I am lucky. I love you, my friends. I hope I can be the kind of friend to others in those same ways. I saw an old friend today at church, and it was like we saw each other yesterday, instead of a long while. During the sign of peace, she gave me a hug and held me tight. It was wonderful. I hope you have friends like that...old and new.
Hard to believe the weekend is already winding down! I went out pheasant hunting with my hubby and a couple friends yesterday. They have asked me to go along a couple times, but this is the first time I went along. I just walked the lines, hoping to flush out pheasants. They were right...it was a LOT of exercise, I didn't have to go to the Y! It was especially a lot of exercise walking in the mud and snow with my boots on! It was just nice to be out moving around in the fresh air! I figure it won't hurt me to expand my horizons once in a while, huh? I grew up around hunting, and in fact, used to go out hunting with my dad--sometimes even our family went out. I'm just too soft hearted to really be a hunter! But I had a good time, and suprised my daughter, Tina, and my one sister, who is an avid hunter, by going out with the guys! Have a great rest of the weekend....
Friday, November 13, 2009
Mourning a Friendship
Distance can take a toll on some friendships. In some friendships, I'm the one who moved. I live 10 hours away from some of my closest friends. Others are movers too - and I live half a continent away from each of them - and oddly, they keep in contact the best.
The opportunities to see everyone who has scattered all over the country are rare, so we stay in contact by phone and email. Prior to all these social network advances - it was always mystifying when we found ourselves on the same sofa after years passed - yet it felt as though time hadn't passed at all. Such a beautiful quality of friendship. There are no gaps!
I truly value those friendships in which - even after not speaking for six or nine months, when you do reconnect - neither of you are bitter for the time that passed. You're just happy to connect again, knowing another year may pass before you catch up again - but the connection will always be as warm.
That's part of why I think Facebook is a bit deceiving, as it allows us to feel that we are connected by daily contact when really, we're just sort of eavesdropping. Real connections take effort.
I've come to realize that over the years - some friendships stand the test of time. Other friends are in our lives just for seasons. There is a reason God brings us together. It's not always for
a lifetime, but it always enriches your life. People leave their mark.
Some friends have drifted away. Sometimes it hurts. Other times, years pass before you even realize that someone is no longer in your life. They just sort of fade out - and that's okay.
Twice in my life, friendships have ended because it was the other person's choice and not mine. I had every intention of knowing these women into our old age - but for some reason they are done with me.
Right now I am struggling with the difference between a mutual fade - and being dumped. The difference is, months can pass and when I reach out to reconnect, my efforts are ignored. I have found that I have made three or four attempts in the past year - and received no response. Efforts begin to feel like pleas... and still nothing. It's the lack or response that tears at me.
It makes me wonder. Have I done wrong? Was I hurtful? Are they just preoccupied with their husband and children and all the blessings that we prayed for one another to have? Did I offend?
Or worse.
When someone you love becomes someone you don't know - it can be because of something very painful in their lives that they are not ready or willing to share. Marriage trouble, sick children, dying parents. As their friend you don't want them to struggle. You want to give assistance. You want to be Christ to them.
But that may not even be what is happening. This person is done with me and doesn't feel the need to give a reason.
This time I am really struggling with the rejection.
It seems when someone has shared the intimate details of your life and theirs, that they shouldn't just pull out without a word.
There is a special bitterness that I hate to admit - I poured hours of love and prayers into baby gifts that I sewed for her family. I know it sounds silly but to me that feels like an investment - and it hurts even more to be ignored.
I really want to shake this loose from my heart - but it pulls at me almost daily.
My bloggy friends - tell me - how have you come to terms with the loss of a friend?
The opportunities to see everyone who has scattered all over the country are rare, so we stay in contact by phone and email. Prior to all these social network advances - it was always mystifying when we found ourselves on the same sofa after years passed - yet it felt as though time hadn't passed at all. Such a beautiful quality of friendship. There are no gaps!
I truly value those friendships in which - even after not speaking for six or nine months, when you do reconnect - neither of you are bitter for the time that passed. You're just happy to connect again, knowing another year may pass before you catch up again - but the connection will always be as warm.
That's part of why I think Facebook is a bit deceiving, as it allows us to feel that we are connected by daily contact when really, we're just sort of eavesdropping. Real connections take effort.
I've come to realize that over the years - some friendships stand the test of time. Other friends are in our lives just for seasons. There is a reason God brings us together. It's not always for
a lifetime, but it always enriches your life. People leave their mark.
Some friends have drifted away. Sometimes it hurts. Other times, years pass before you even realize that someone is no longer in your life. They just sort of fade out - and that's okay.
Twice in my life, friendships have ended because it was the other person's choice and not mine. I had every intention of knowing these women into our old age - but for some reason they are done with me.
Right now I am struggling with the difference between a mutual fade - and being dumped. The difference is, months can pass and when I reach out to reconnect, my efforts are ignored. I have found that I have made three or four attempts in the past year - and received no response. Efforts begin to feel like pleas... and still nothing. It's the lack or response that tears at me.
It makes me wonder. Have I done wrong? Was I hurtful? Are they just preoccupied with their husband and children and all the blessings that we prayed for one another to have? Did I offend?
Or worse.
When someone you love becomes someone you don't know - it can be because of something very painful in their lives that they are not ready or willing to share. Marriage trouble, sick children, dying parents. As their friend you don't want them to struggle. You want to give assistance. You want to be Christ to them.
But that may not even be what is happening. This person is done with me and doesn't feel the need to give a reason.
This time I am really struggling with the rejection.
It seems when someone has shared the intimate details of your life and theirs, that they shouldn't just pull out without a word.
There is a special bitterness that I hate to admit - I poured hours of love and prayers into baby gifts that I sewed for her family. I know it sounds silly but to me that feels like an investment - and it hurts even more to be ignored.
I really want to shake this loose from my heart - but it pulls at me almost daily.
My bloggy friends - tell me - how have you come to terms with the loss of a friend?
Jersey Shore Show - Feeling Territorial
So, I don't have TV here, and was checking out the newstories about the Noreaster hitting my hometown right now in South Jersey and came upon this unnerving mtv show.
Now I know you hear it all the time from Jersey-born residents that this is not the Jersey Shore, well I stand by the overheard rebuttal. It isn't. These are not permanent residents, they are vacationers who travel from near and far, infesting our beaches. They do give us business, but at a cost of our sanity.
MTV has decided once again to take the scum of the state, place them in a free beach house with unlimited alcohol and attention and wa-la, you have yourself entertainment.
Being a Jersey shore local, I have had my fair-share of run ins with "the shoobies", and worst off, "the guido shoobie" who thinks you can get to NYC directly from Long Beach Island, NJ, an ISLAND.
Once again local jersey shore residents are put in a bad light, but in stereotypical jersey-form, we endure the backlash, survive the shoobies, and know where the true heart of jersey resides.
So glad I don't have TV at this moment,
Now I know you hear it all the time from Jersey-born residents that this is not the Jersey Shore, well I stand by the overheard rebuttal. It isn't. These are not permanent residents, they are vacationers who travel from near and far, infesting our beaches. They do give us business, but at a cost of our sanity.
MTV has decided once again to take the scum of the state, place them in a free beach house with unlimited alcohol and attention and wa-la, you have yourself entertainment.
Being a Jersey shore local, I have had my fair-share of run ins with "the shoobies", and worst off, "the guido shoobie" who thinks you can get to NYC directly from Long Beach Island, NJ, an ISLAND.
Once again local jersey shore residents are put in a bad light, but in stereotypical jersey-form, we endure the backlash, survive the shoobies, and know where the true heart of jersey resides.
So glad I don't have TV at this moment,
Kripalu & Oikos!
I was pleasantly surprised to see Oikos promoting Kripalu with a great giveaway... Enter below and come visit me here, haha:
Enter to win an all expenses paid weekend trip for two to the amazing Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health!
Three ways to enter (choose one!):
1. Share a brief story about why you need to relax and say “Ohm.”
2. Share a recipe you create or tip using Oikos yogurt
3. Post a photo of you doing yoga in a toga (this one makes me giggle)
All entries (your post is your entry) must come from bloggers and include a link to the Oikos Facebook fan page and be emailed to oikos@360publicrelations.com by November 30, 2009. The winner will be selected at random and notified by 12/15/09.
Enter to win an all expenses paid weekend trip for two to the amazing Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health!
Three ways to enter (choose one!):
1. Share a brief story about why you need to relax and say “Ohm.”
2. Share a recipe you create or tip using Oikos yogurt
3. Post a photo of you doing yoga in a toga (this one makes me giggle)
All entries (your post is your entry) must come from bloggers and include a link to the Oikos Facebook fan page and be emailed to oikos@360publicrelations.com by November 30, 2009. The winner will be selected at random and notified by 12/15/09.
Today's Thankful

I totally agree.
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Today's Thankful...and Thursday Smursday

Anyone following the CSI trilogy this week? It is pretty good. I am a CSI fan, though. Oooh, and I also watch Criminal Minds. It was something last night! I sound like a TV freak, huh? Exercise class was good last night and I wish it wasn't just three nights a week. I didn't have anyone with blinker issues around me on the way to work today. I wish I had won Ree's cookbook in the contest at Another Chance Ranch! Random thoughts for the day....
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
Today's Thankful....and Question

I love you, Tina!
Question of the day: Which is more irritating to you...someone who NEVER uses the blinker on their car, or someone who NEVER turns it off? Quite a conundrum, huh?
Also ... Happy Veterans Day, with reverance and respect to all our veterans and our armed forces serving now...and THANK YOU!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
top star shakira wallpapers
This new Shakira song is going to be a hit! Too bad Ryan Seacrest tagged it up. When the CDQ drops, I’ll post it up but until then enjoy the download link below:the shakira wallpapersshakira cool wallpapershot shakira wallpapersshakira wallpapers
9 Ways To Cure Insomnia
The Full List of Big Thoughts From A Small Mind's 2009 Reviews.
There is nothing harder on a movie lover than watching a film that practically screams “potential to be great” slowly falter into banality with each passing minute. Such is the case with director Shane Acker’s feature length debut 9.
One day #9 (Elijah Wood) wakes up to find himself in a post-apocalyptic world. Void of all humans, the world now belongs to fearsome machines that canvas the earth destroying everything in their path. Through his travels #9 comes across a small community of numeric clad beings like himself. Led by #1 (Christopher Plummer), the group moves from one hiding spot to another in order to maintain their survival. Tension arises when #9 joins the commune and starts to question how the world reached its current state. When #2 (Martin Landau) is captured by one of the machines #9 and # 5 (John C. Reilly), against # 1’s wishes, sets out in hopes of finding their friend and unlocking the mystery of their existence.
At times, visually speaking, 9 is a stunning work filled with many inventive character designs. The ramshackle world that the creatures and robotic monsters roam in allows Acker to create some thrilling action sequences. Unfortunately the overall story does not have the depth needed for a film this ambitious. A film such as this really needs to have a compelling story to match the visuals. The pacing of this picture is painfully slow which, as a result, causes several major plot points to take too long to unfold. While all the gaps are eventually filled, most of which you see coming from a mile away, it requires a lot of effort on the viewers part to stay awake long enough to see the whole thing through.
Another issue I had with 9 is that for all the visual flair, and great ensemble voice casting, the majority of characters are surprisingly one-dimensional. Since there is no real depth to any of the characters, many of the same scenes are repeated over and over in different settings. There are only so many times that you can sit thorough #1’s old cowardly lion routine before you want to smack somebody. The same can be said for #7's (Jennifer Connelly) numerous “jumping into battle by herself” sequences. While I am all in favour of strong female action heroes, Acker never really develops #7’s character any further than what we see on the surface. While 9 is extremely fascinating on a visual level, it lacks the substance needed to truly make it a beautiful picture.
One day #9 (Elijah Wood) wakes up to find himself in a post-apocalyptic world. Void of all humans, the world now belongs to fearsome machines that canvas the earth destroying everything in their path. Through his travels #9 comes across a small community of numeric clad beings like himself. Led by #1 (Christopher Plummer), the group moves from one hiding spot to another in order to maintain their survival. Tension arises when #9 joins the commune and starts to question how the world reached its current state. When #2 (Martin Landau) is captured by one of the machines #9 and # 5 (John C. Reilly), against # 1’s wishes, sets out in hopes of finding their friend and unlocking the mystery of their existence.
At times, visually speaking, 9 is a stunning work filled with many inventive character designs. The ramshackle world that the creatures and robotic monsters roam in allows Acker to create some thrilling action sequences. Unfortunately the overall story does not have the depth needed for a film this ambitious. A film such as this really needs to have a compelling story to match the visuals. The pacing of this picture is painfully slow which, as a result, causes several major plot points to take too long to unfold. While all the gaps are eventually filled, most of which you see coming from a mile away, it requires a lot of effort on the viewers part to stay awake long enough to see the whole thing through.
Another issue I had with 9 is that for all the visual flair, and great ensemble voice casting, the majority of characters are surprisingly one-dimensional. Since there is no real depth to any of the characters, many of the same scenes are repeated over and over in different settings. There are only so many times that you can sit thorough #1’s old cowardly lion routine before you want to smack somebody. The same can be said for #7's (Jennifer Connelly) numerous “jumping into battle by herself” sequences. While I am all in favour of strong female action heroes, Acker never really develops #7’s character any further than what we see on the surface. While 9 is extremely fascinating on a visual level, it lacks the substance needed to truly make it a beautiful picture.
Todays Thankful....and more...

It looks to be another great day as for weather! I had an early morning meeting and so started my day off a bit earlier than normal. I had hoped to get up earlier and exercise, but, whoops, slept clear till the alarm. I have to get back into the habit of morning exercise. It is getting dark so early, it is hard to walk at nights. At least I still have my little exercise class three days a week.
I have not had any great blogging revelations lately. Biggest Loser on tonight. I am fearing who will get sent home this week!
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