Did you have a good weekend? I did, I needed the break and respite! I cleaned house Saturday, which always makes me feel better for some reason! I planned to go to work that afternoon, but opted to stay home and just relax with hubby. We had gone to see the Wizard of Oz high school musical production on Friday night, which started the weekend off great! In the afternoon,

we watched "Inglorious Bastards". I am not sure I would recommend it but hubby liked it. I am not usually liking Quentin Tarantino films, I guess. For example, I never liked Pulp Fiction or any of the Kill Bill movies. Oh, well. Saturday night I walked to mass, and that always makes for a good feeling for me. We ordered Chinese and watched "Did you Hear about the Morgans?" It was cute, I laughed a lot...so thumbs up!! (Of course, Hugh Grant is one of my favs...no worries, though, Ashton, I still love you mostest!)
Sunday we had breakfast with friends, and that is always nice. I baked an apple pie and we visited a while with our good friend and messed around on computers. Then, I bucked up and came into work a while. I could've worked for hours, but decided to go home and cook supper...grilled elk steak on the grill, sauteed mushrooms, had yummy veggies, etc. It was nice.
I got in exercise over the weekend, too. I ended the weekend by watching the return of "Army Wives"...lovin' that show again, and glad it's back. It was a nice weekend, but as always, too short!
Have a good week!!!
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