Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Happy Wednesday. My day started off really fast and busy and now is winding down and going slow. The weather is rainy and cold, so it doesn’t make me as bitter about being in my office all day. Tomorrow is Halloween dress-up day at work! I want to possibly go on this guided hike tomorrow during work (we'll see, wah wah) so I may have to bring my costume (haven't made it yet) with me. I also went to an open mic night last night, and got nostalgic thinking of singing in Colorado, and ate some bacon wrapper dates.....yummm. OH AND I moved into a new room, bigger, better and quieter than my previous room off the kitchen, so yay. And I'm obsessed with Mad Men. That's me summed up right now.

So, I’ve been reading “Julie & Julia” for the past couple weeks and I had a blog-related epiphany. Julie took something as simple as cooking a different meal from Julia Child’s book, wrote witty-honest and balsy entries based around this undertaking, and satisfied her readers, but more importantly satisfied herself. Before she began blogging, she was in a rut, had no focus, no inspiration and felt lost. In most situations like this, people make life-changing decisions or to put more blatantly really impulsive/sometimes bad ones. Then again sometimes they make amazing ones. In Julie’s case her decision did not include a monumental change like quitting her job. She did something bolder than the boldest of decisions. She gambled her life-changing happiness on this: a blog. One little blog in a sea of millions. I think it's more of a gamble than a huge life-altering change. She focused on writing and food, simply put.

It made me realize that sometimes I focus to much on the big questions I am bound to face in the near future; “Will I be here in a year”, “Who will I marry”, “Will I want to work here in a couple of months”, “What is HE up to”? “Will I ever fall in love”, “Will I ever lose more weight”? I should make like Julie, and ask myself, “What makes me happy”? “What do I get joy out of doing”? “Who can I surround myself with that makes me happy ”? Julie took her love of writing and fascination with cooking and channeled her blog, which channeled a book, which channeled a movie. All because she once was an unhappy girl, who stopped asking herself “When will things change”, and asked herself “What makes me happy”. A simple question, that when you answer it yourself, the answers reveal themselves through your actions. Act Don't React, my friends.

On that note, I think this blog needs some fall cleaning. I’m going to write to simply write. As simple as that. Whether it be profound or un-profound, monumental or mundane. I love writing, and setting parameters is out of the question. Who knows what may evolve?

Happy blogging,

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