Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Perils of Dating

Okay... so due to the single void I'm in I want to go back to sharing my dating stories. That's the single part of Single Solitary Things.


When I first moved to Denver, those organized dating efforts were just picking up steam. You know - Rotating Tables, Speed Dating - and the take-off of dating websites.

I figured since I was in a new city I could partake of these strategies under the guise of 'Just Widening My Social Circle'. After all, I came here knowing no one but my much older cousin.

So I found a speed dating event and had mild success resulting in a few dates.

You know how it goes, they fill a room with equal parts men to women - give them seven minutes together and see if they find out enough to warrant getting to know more. It was fun.

The woman who organized the events started calling me when she was short on women for an event. She would offer me free admission just to balance out the crowd. She was happy to barter the arrangement, saying the men always liked me. Given my reporting background, I was a natural at the quick interviews, engaging, funny - good at making people comfortable - and making them feel good about themselves.

One evening, there we were with our game cards and pencils. Seven minutes with each guy. At about 5 minutes, the organizer would tap a bell for a two minute warning. Upon the final bell you mark your score card, indicating whether you would like to exchange email with this person. If you both say yes, the organizer sends you both an email and maybe you go on a date.

There were usually ten guys to meet. The conversation starts quickly. If you're laughing before the bell - it's a good sign.

Then pick up and move to your next table.
Ah, the next table. At one table, the conversation just couldn't pick up. The man had nothing to say. He was so boring. Despite all my interview experience I was still at a loss to get it going. I was dying a slow death. Then, reprieve. I heard the bell!

As graciously as possible I told him how great it was to meet him and picked up my purse to move to the next table.

Everyone else was still seated.

I thought, "Wow, they must all be having great conversations - they're taking such a long time to get up and move."

A split second later, I realized I had heard the warning bell!
There were two minutes left and I had just ditched this guy! There was no way around it. I couldn't get away fast enough!!!

I had to swallow my pride and sit back down to face this guy for 2 more minutes.

I don't know which of us was more mortified.

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