Britney Spears lip-synced for most of the show, and Britney Spears live vocals weren't audible at all until about 15 minutes in, on "Radar." Yet when Britney Spears sang for real on the ballad "Everytime," perched on the handle of a giant umbrella suspended from the rigging,Britney Spears voice was soft and wistful.

Britney Spears didn't sing more live vocals, but the reason probably wasn't because Britney Spears dancing interfered. Britney Spears dance moves, such as they were, consisted largely of walking back and forth from the center ring to each of the smaller satellites, and occasionally shimmying or waving an arm around.

Despite the grand spectacle and tour designer Jamie King created an incredible stage show the performance was oddly lifeless. Most stars of her stature perform for the crowd, or sometimes for themselves, but it was as if Britney Spears were intent only on fulfilling the minimum requirements of her contract.
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