Monday, June 27, 2011

Bike Wreck #1 of the Season...

 Well, I have been on my bike 3-4 times so far this summer...and I have already had my first crash of the season....YIKES!   Instead of bloggie buddy, JoJo calling me "jackalope"  maybe I should be "bike wreck jackalope"!!   (If you don't know the unfortunate jackalope incident I had, you can find it here on this blog.)  And, don't forget the "unfortunate bike incident" I had immediately after my jackalope incidicent that same year...followed later by the "unfortunate dance incident".  

I should have known it was NOT a good night for a bike ride...I was a little sore from riding bikes on Sunday.  So, I decided I'd ride my comfort bike...kinda  a more relaxed ride.   I got on, and thought the seat was way too high.  What?  Did I shrink since last year?  Hmmm.  So, got it adjusted, then decided it was crooked.   So, adjustment time again.   Finally I figured it was me, not the seat...and we got on our way.   We were about 3-4 blocks from home, and Brooklyn was riding ahead of me.   All of a sudden, he started to fall, and he just kinda stood down and put his bike down.

Meanwhile, I screeched on my brakes, and tried to not hit him (we were on a sidewalk).   I crashed.  I let out some obscenities.  Rather loudly.    (Not horrible obscenities, but still...)   I noticed a jogger across the street.  Wonder what he thought of my lovely little spectacle.

Heres the bruises on the inside of my knee.  Kinda hard to envision from this photo... (I took it myself and had to somewhat contort myself to do that...) but it's swollen and red and bruising.  And, I'm a little sore all over! 

Yep, I'm the epitome of gracefulness.  (Just so you know, I did finish the bike ride.)

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