Tuesday, May 24, 2011

10 Best Film Character Names

What’s in a name? Over the last few weeks names have been a focal point of many of my conversations. Three weeks ago my wife gave birth to our first child, a boy, and I have had many discussions on why we choose the name we did. Though not outlandish like many of the names celebrities have chosen (i.e. Bear Blu, Apple, etc.), the name we chose for our son is not as common as Michael or Jason.

Most recently, it was brought to my attention that this modest blog received its first ever Lammy nomination in the category of Best Blog Name! I would like claim that there is a great story behind the naming of this blog. But the truth is my last name is “Small” and I thought the blog name was a fun play on words. Still, I would like to extend a huge thank you to those who nominated me. While I am up against some tough competition the fact that this is my first Lammy nomination ever makes it special nonetheless.

Keeping with the theme of names, here are my choices for the 10 Best Film Character Names:

Axel Foley – Beverly Hills Cop

Always thought Axel was a rather strong sounding name. The fact that he is a wisecracking street smart cop is just icing on the cake.

Keyser Soze / Verbal Kint – The Usual Suspects

Two great names for the price of one here! Not only is Keyser Soze one of the greatest cinematic villains, but his alter-ego’s handle is pretty slick as well.

Royal Tenebaum – The Royal Tenebaums
Never has royalty been so mischievous. While he may not win any father of the year awards, Royal Tenenbaum’s heart is usually in the right place.

Veruca Salt - Willy Wonka and The Chocolate Factory
Best. Name. Ever. Here is my theory on why Veruca is such a brat in the film...she was teased mercilessly at school. Seriously, Veruca Salt is a name will only be considered cool when she hits college. Until then, it will be a long bumpy road for young Ms. Salt.

Pussy Galore – Goldfinger
Yes there have been several good Bond girl names over the course of 22 films, yet none have reached the “how did this get past the censors?” level like the name Pussy Galore.

Scut Farkus – A Christmas Story
I was leaning towards adding The French Connection’s Popeye Doyle to add to the list but I could not fathom leaving a name like Scut Farkus off the list.

Gaylord Focker - Meet the Parents
Sure the name is a running gag that went on for three films too long, yet it is hard to deny the guilty pleasure of the name.

Indiana Jones
Man is this ever a cool sounding name. I mean, it is not easy to make an actual place into a great character name. I am still waiting for my own newly created fictional character, Toronto Tonto, to take off with the masses...Your day will come Toronto Tonto, your day will come.

Atticus Finch – To Kill a Mockingbird
There are some names that, while odd sounding, just ooze intelligence. Atticus is a name that fits that bill to a tee.

Snake Plissken - Escape From New York
You really cannot go wrong with a name like “Snake”. Whether we are talking about the eye-patch wearing vigilante from in John Carpenter’s films, or the career criminal on the show The Simpsons, it is nearly impossible for the name Snake to sound anything but badass. Please note that Snake from Degrassi Junior High is the exception to this rule.

Honourable Mentions: Popeye Doyle, Donnie Darko, Han Solo, Black Dynamite, Jesus Quintana, Ace Ventura, Igby Slocumb, John Shaft, Castor Troy

What are you favourite movie character names? Let me know in the comments section.

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