Saturday, April 2, 2011


Do you remember the little snarky chants your schoolmates came up with at school sporting events?
I recall our High School boy's basket ball team playing the well-known boy's only school in another city.  When their side chanted the familiar: "We've got spirit, Yes we do! We've got spirit, How 'bout you?"  The retort from the seniors on our side came: "We've got GIRLS, Yes we do! We've got GIRLS, How 'bout you?"

I'm told it wasn't the first time they heard that!

My favorite came during the Girl's State Basketball Tournament one year, when one of our girls put up a poorly executed shot and the fans on the other side bellowed: "Airball, airball." 
The quick retort from our side: "Scoreboard. Scoreboard!" seeing that we had a healthy lead with just a few minutes left... it didn't really matter that we put up an airball.  It's about perspective.

I'm not a sports fan - but this is what came to mind as I wanted to share tonight's dating report. 
I want to point to the scoreboard...
The guy who ticked me off on the phone the other night - 0.
The guy I met for coffee late this afternoon - 237 points!

He's not close to my type - if I have one... but he met most of my initial requirements and he's nice looking and he was so engaging on the phone that I had to meet him. 
I had the best time... with the benefit of a beautiful afternoon, basking in warm sun and a light breeze.  We had a great conversation... he's kind and thoughtful and sweet.  He held my hand, he thinks I'm funny.
All in all... just a great experience.

No idea what happens next but it's nice just to have a good, positive date!
Quite certain I'll see him again.  He's not at all who I would picture myself with - but I'm impressed nonetheless.

Just thought I'd share that happy!

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