Saturday, November 6, 2010


Do you can? Did your mother? My mother did, and still does, and so does my mother in law. I wonder if this will someday be a lost art? I know two of my sisters can, but none of my children. I enjoy it. I used to do more...fruit, jams, jellies, vegetables, apple butter, pickle relish, salsa, etc. My failure was always at pickles...except for bread and butter pickles. My dill pickles were the worst ever! I usually can a bit each summer, but not nearly like I used to. I usually at least do tomatoes, and maybe salsa. This year my little patio garden produced enough green beans for me to can them! I was excited. When you get all done, and see the jars sitting on your counter, waiting to be stored for later use, it is so satisfying! This year, I wanted to try canning green chili. Usually I just freeze my roasted chilis and add them to my tomatoes later. My mother in law always cans green chili, and we steal a couple jars when we visit. So this year was my first attempt at green chili. Here are the results:
I was proud...yay me! I got several jars, so we are good to go! (If they don't get stolen by my kids...the circle goes on!) Now, for canning my other box of tomatoes this weekend!
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