Wanted to share my story... I am proud of myself for accomplishing my task, but it wasn't easy......ha ha...
Hubby purchased a new (flat screen) tv for the bedroom.
I told him I'd rather it be on the wall than sitting. For one thing, it is too wide to sit where the old one did.
So hubby is gone. He had me pick up the tv (Kmart sale) (TRIP #1)
While there, I looked all around for a wall mounting kit, just in case, but did not find one.
Of course, I was right, the tv was too wide.
So, I called back to Kmart. Yes they had the kits. Of course, they were not by the tv's. Go figure...why would they be by the tvs? Silly me...
So, back to Kmart I go. I found a really nice kit on sale...it included the cord hider, a surge protector and a bunch of extra stuff. Fits most tvs' within the size range. (TRIP #2)
Got home, got everything out of the box.
Read directions.
Opened numerous packages of stuff in the box.
Decided I'd do the brackets on the back of the TV first.
Guess what, after several tries, I figured out that it would not work. The holes were not going to line up no matter what I did.
It fits MOST tv's not ours.
Frustrated, I boxed everything back up.
Went back to Kmart. (TRIP #3)
Exchanged the kit for another kit.
Cost me 10 bucks more.
Got home, smarter this time, I tried the brackets on the tv first.
WALLA! They fit.
Screwed them in.
Found studs in wall
Measured where the Wall Bracket would go.
Drilled holes.
Used level, made sure it was all perfect.
Put tv on the bracket.
By myself.
Worked GREAT.
This kit didn't have all the extra stuff, but worked great...TV on wall.
Looks great...

(I'll need to get a cord hider, because that will make me nuts)....
Go to turn on my tv.
Where is the remote?
Look through box.
Look all around.
Realize that I must have packed it up in the first mounting kit.
Go Back To Kmart (TRIP #4)
Go to service desk and explain.
Electronics brings up the kit, and we find the remote.
Go home
Put batteries in remote.
Turn on TV:
Realized later that night that I probably packed up the screws that go with the stand, in case I ever want to not have it wall mounted.
Don't care.
I can call the company and get screws.
I cannot go to Kmart one more time...
I just cannot...
I will not.
Hubby told me that night that I should ask a friend about putting it on the wall, so I was really proud of myself for doing it all myself.
And, it's done....tv was awesome!!!
OH, ya...then, I had to move all my pictures around on the walls since I took two down to hang the tv.
Oh, yea, had to move that swag..it was no longer centered correctly.
Now I noticed some cobwebs and some paint that needs fixed.
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