You may find yourself spending some time today dwelling on some difficulties you've been having with your career lately. You'll probably feel like pursuing your own personal desires right now, but there could be quite a few obligations that will be weighing down on you and occupying most of your time today.
Responsibilities may demand much of your attention and you may not be able to do exactly what you’d like right now. You may be feeling driven and a little impatient. Just try not to be too aggressive if you can help it. Be aware that some people could make life difficult for you if you try to buck the system today.
Wow, I need to be very busy at work again today, right? That part is true, for sure, anyway!! Let me just tell you, I should start the day by apologizing to everyone I met up with yesterday....I felt so GROUCHY yesterday, and frustrated over things that were not going as they should. And, I had a horrific headache!! Still have the headache today, but trying to at least be pleasant...ha! I am excited to say that my job has finally been changed at work to have a description that fits my duties much better, and it comes with a tiny raise. Yay! Not sure when the raise will go into effect, and it isn't much, but I am grateful! I am now a Systems & Data Technician. (SDT!!! Not to be confused with an STD! HA HA) Anyway, have a Great Tuesday!!!
P.S. Take a gander at Julies' post over at Another Chance Ranch today. It is about being a Christian Athiest...and a great, great post!!!
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