I am glad the weekend is near. I hope I have some down time to just relax and gather myself together and re-energize. I have been running on empty lately, physically and emotionally and just need some time to fill back up. Do you ever get that way? Just needing the "fill up"? I have been fighting a cold, that hasn't gotten me completely down, but has run me down nonetheless, dealing with some stressful issues with my family, and been busy at my job, which has been good. However, I have dealt with some things that have been eating at me that I need to let go. I am no longer going to listen to people tell me what I can't do. If I set a goal and try to achieve it, and don't succeed, at least I have tried. Feeling sorry for myself because others doubt me is not the answer and it is not what I need to be doing. I also need to just do the best job I can, try to be the best person, friend, daughter, sister, mom and wife that I can be, and stop feeling like I am failing because I am disappointing someone or not "being enough". I can only be me. It wears me out trying to make everyone happy and worrying if I do this it'll bother someone, if I do that, it'll bother someone else. I am so good at worry and "being sorry" that it wears me down at times. I need to get back to where I was a couple months ago and be more positive, inside and out. I am ready. I will do this. I can do this. Yay me.
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