Would you believe me if I told you i made this rye bread while at pilates? Well, I had some assistance from the Breadman, aka, the bread machine behind the loaf. We've had this machine sitting in the back of our pantry for years and my sister and I decided to buy the ingredients to make homemade bread. Dana has made like 4 loaves, but I tried my hand at it and wala.... the bread gods were in my favor.... This is a light wheat rye:
Maybe the plants are telling me that I have to cultivate my other square foot garden tomorrow....
Yesterday was pretty fun. I made enchiladas with my friend Daryl at her house, came home, did The Shred Level 3 with my sis and her friend, then I did Yogadownload Detox #2, which was a little more advanced but was nice. I also accidentally got hooked on this show on BBC called Mistresses. It's like a classy but secretly whorish version of Sex and the City, UK style.
I've been pretty good with exercising (strength mostly) and watching my meals lately and finally have dropped some weight, which I am happy about! It's only a little, but I feel like this week my balance and mindset was right on par with my healthy goals.
I leave you with this great song by Ryan Adams called My Winding Wheel. Ryan recently married Many Moore (weird) and started a death metal band (weirder), but this song reminds me that at one time he was sane enough to make good music. A good 3:56 seconds well spent:
Tonight, I am staying with my friend Amanda at her Aunt's house on the island and we're going to see our first live show of the Spring/Summer! Ted Hammock, a local singer. Nice.
It's raining here, but I'm glad because then my garden will start to get a move on....
Meditation of the Day
Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is, to live everything. Live the questions now. Perhaps you will then gradually, without noticing it, live along some distant day into the answer.-Rainer Marie Rilke
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