A friend who -yes - is a guy - and who -yes- I once dated briefly. (isn't that everybody?) And -yes- a friend who another friend is still rooting for me to marry (whatever) even though we (he and I) both know that isn't going to happen. At least not until we're say, 60.
Nonetheless we are still friends because we really do enjoy one another's company, share a similar sense of humor, several creative interests and most of the same morals and values. It is always a joy to see him.
When we finished with my little project he was bundling up to leave, and as I had asked him to leave his shoes at the door - was in his stocking feet.
He did a little turn on my wood floors, enjoying the slick contact between cotton and well-worn wood. Whoo-hoo. You know, that sort of thing.

"Wait," I said. "If you like that, you have to do this..." then I moved my bike from the hallway that leads to my the back of my condo, returned to the front end of the hall - got my running start and slid down the remainder of the hallway.
He smiled broadly... took his running start and did the same thing.
And then we said our goodbyes.
I love a friend who takes joy in simple pleasures.
So, if you're 'almost 40', married and have kids, do you have to stop sliding down the hall in stocking feet?
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