This cheery cherry apron is a birthday gift for my very best friend. Her birthday is today. I already told her that her gift would be late.
I had her unwittingly pick out the fabric last winter. I sent her an email with photos of fabric options. She told me she was very excited upon opening photo links - thinking I had Bridesmaid dresses in mind! Hah! When she saw the flowered and cherried options she knew she was off track!
After she picked the cherry print I scoured a couple of fabric stores several different times for a suitable contrasting fabric. Finally, I found this red polka dot print.
Cute huh?
In the end, I also used bits and pieces of three different apron patterns to get the style I had in mind.
Other seamstresses might just wing it... and I have before... but cannibalizing patterns works just as well.
Why an apron? I was inspired by this post from Conversion Diary. (She's an amazing writer and has beautiful things to say about the Catholic faith from the eyes of a former atheist.) But I especially liked her musings on what it means to have a well-worn apron.
It is my wish for my best friend. Happy Birthday Kim!!
Having a well-worn apron means:
You have food to eat
You have someone to cook for
You have someone to sit down at the table with you to share in the fruits of your efforts
You have the resources and the physical ability to make homemade meals
You have the energy and the money to wear clothes that are nice enough to be worth protecting
You care enough to do all of the above
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